Corporation - Description - 2017-04-17 11:16:06 - Live Ticker



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-We are a growing and structured corporation looking for miners, industrialists, explorers, PvE pilots and PvP fighters interested in defend our alliance. Our HQ is located in 0.0 (Wicked Creek) with alliance SOV over a constelation. +We are a growing and structured corporation looking for miners, industrialists, PVE and PVP pilots.
-Alpha clones and new players are welcome.+Our base is located on Gallente Federation and we will train you to be able to move to our alliance's worm hole.
-✔ Grow our numbers 
-✔ Help our members learn and make isk 
-✔ Support the alliance with PVP fleets 
 +✔ Train for PVP and make you capable of living in the alliance worm hole
-✔ Supply a trade hub with ships and modules. +✔ Produce and sell ships and modules.
-✔ Teamspeak and full API is required+REQUIREMENTS & BENEFITS:
 âœ” Support for new players âœ” Support for new players
 +✔ No daily gameplay required
 +✔ Alliance low-sec training roams with free ships
-✔ HR management with promotion program and skillbooks supply +✔ HR management with promotion program and free skillbooks
-✔ Fleet operations for killing rats on combat sites +✔ Fleet ops for mission and combat sites
 âœ” Industry with blueprints âœ” Industry with blueprints
-✔ Fleet operations for mining rare ores with Orca support +✔ Fleet ops for mining with our Orca support
 âœ” Shared hangar with free ships and modules âœ” Shared hangar with free ships and modules
 âœ” Buyback programs (we buy your loot, ore and salvage for a fair price) âœ” Buyback programs (we buy your loot, ore and salvage for a fair price)
-✔ No daily gameplay required+✔ Own freighter service
 âœ” Medal decorations and internal ranking for large operations âœ” Medal decorations and internal ranking for large operations
-✔ 5% Taxes +✔ 5% Tax
 +✔ Teamspeak and full API is required
 +✔ Own astrahus being built
 CEO: Jahar Makanen CEO: Jahar Makanen
-Co-CEO: Thomas Thule 
-HR Director: Mihara Zamayid+Directors: Defender373, Alexander Coxy
 Contact our recruiters or join channel Ghost Training 237  Contact our recruiters or join channel Ghost Training 237

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Resources 2017-04-17 11:16:06 Corporation Description
Alliance Bloodline. Member 14
Corporation Ghost Nebula 237 Corporation Member 3
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