Corporation - Description - 2017-06-22 10:01:57 - Live Ticker



Old New
 "For Better It is to Dare Mighty Things than to Take Rank with Those Poor Timid Spirits who know Neither Victory Nor Defeat"-Theodore Roosvett 1899 AD "For Better It is to Dare Mighty Things than to Take Rank with Those Poor Timid Spirits who know Neither Victory Nor Defeat"-Theodore Roosvett 1899 AD
  We are Recruiting!!   We are Recruiting!!
 Recruiting :  Recruiting :
  Miners,  Miners,
  Builders,  Builders,
  Explorers,  Explorers,
  Mission Runners,  Mission Runners,
  Pvpers,  Pvpers,
  Recruiters-especailly if you love to talk to people  Recruiters-especailly if you love to talk to people
 Who Are We: Who Are We:
 NBSI-where applicable NBSI-where applicable
 US TZ based Special Interest Group US TZ based Special Interest Group
 New Bro Friendly,will help where we can ,Old players welcomed as well ,might even teach us something New Bro Friendly,will help where we can ,Old players welcomed as well ,might even teach us something
 Casual Atmosphere,Nothing Fancy,Helpful,and Sarcastic,be sure you bring a sense of humor and a Thick skin.  Casual Atmosphere,Nothing Fancy,Helpful,and Sarcastic,be sure you bring a sense of humor and a Thick skin.
 Access to different activities as well the freedom to do your own thing.We like partiapation in corp activites but not mandatory. Access to different activities as well the freedom to do your own thing.We like partiapation in corp activites but not mandatory.
 Recruitment Incentives:Taxes lower with the more members and other Incentives. Recruitment Incentives:Taxes lower with the more members and other Incentives.
 We expect you to have/be : We expect you to have/be :
 -Full Api (Required,To be sent with application) -Full Api (Required,To be sent with application)
 -Be mature.age 21 and older may apply,No distastiful remarks and be mindful. -Be mature.age 21 and older may apply,No distastiful remarks and be mindful.
 -Willingness to learn and accept constructive advice regarding ship fits and Pvp,yes,Pvp is the norm you will lose ships in firey explosions. -Willingness to learn and accept constructive advice regarding ship fits and Pvp,yes,Pvp is the norm you will lose ships in firey explosions.
 -Activeness-The more you put in the more you get out,one or two hours a day or few days out of the week is all that is needed. -Activeness-The more you put in the more you get out,one or two hours a day or few days out of the week is all that is needed.
 -Sustaiable income-We will try to educate and get you rolling in the isk.We won't make you rich. -Sustaiable income-We will try to educate and get you rolling in the isk.We won't make you rich.
 -Positive Can Do attitude.Negative Nancys will be tossed. -Positive Can Do attitude.Negative Nancys will be tossed.
 -Teamspeak with working mic/headset.We use Evechat for corp stuff when we have to but have access to Teamspeak. -Teamspeak with working mic/headset.We use Evechat for corp stuff when we have to but have access to Teamspeak.
 -Ability to Work With Others  -Ability to Work With Others
 -Understand we are still Standing up and Growing as a Corp.Help Build Us Up not down. -Understand we are still Standing up and Growing as a Corp.Help Build Us Up not down.
-Insured Rigged Ship Destrustion - Mostly offered to frieghter pilots who have insured large ships and really dont want to take them into LS/NS. 
-Frieghter Services  
- Pricing Negotiable (350k isk per jump) 
- For High Sec only. 
- No High Sec Islands. 
- Will not deliver to Citadels. 
- Up to 300,000 m3. 
- No collateral.No more than 1 bil worth cargo ( at this time) 

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Resources 2017-06-22 10:01:57 Corporation Description
Alliance The Lost Fleet of Eve Member 25
Corporation Logistically Withdrawn Member 3
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