Corporation - Description - 2017-06-27 12:31:50 - Live Ticker



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 To introduce ourself, we are a very friendly, active, fair, openminded and sometimes even chaotic Corp. To introduce ourself, we are a very friendly, active, fair, openminded and sometimes even chaotic Corp.
 Our main focus is to improve - day by day - even if they are small steps, but improvement is important. But that's not the main reason we created this Corp.  Our main focus is to improve - day by day - even if they are small steps, but improvement is important. But that's not the main reason we created this Corp.
 We want to surround people around us who are like-minded and have fun in the Game We want to surround people around us who are like-minded and have fun in the Game
 You are new in the Game and don't know alot about it ? No problem! Come and grow with us ! We would love to bring the game closer to you, so you can also have fun. You are new in the Game and don't know alot about it ? No problem! Come and grow with us ! We would love to bring the game closer to you, so you can also have fun.
 Any questions left ? Mail/Message one of the CEO's and we will be always there for you ! Any questions left ? Mail/Message one of the CEO's and we will be always there for you !
 +DieKruemmels (CEO)
-Madwolf Yaken (CEO) +Madwolf Yaken (Co-CEO)
-DieKruemmels (Co-CEO)  
 +Ike Orlenard > "here at Rising Wrecks, we aim to foster a relationship among our members, based damning humor, low morals and complete disregard for fellow man."
 +Madwolf Yaken > SO FUCKING TRUE

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Resources 2017-06-27 12:31:50 Corporation Description
Alliance Sanctuary Pact Member 0
Corporation THE RISING WRECKS Member 24
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