Corporation - Description - 2017-10-29 14:00:28 - Live Ticker



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-Stronghelm Corporation is a casual, laid back, low stress corporation whom is a member of the 2700+ member alliance [SLYCE] Solyaris Chtonium as well as the 10,000+ member Guardians of the Galaxy [GotG]. We have our fingers in all areas of EvE including Industry, Exploration and PVP. We own our own [SOV] Sovereignty system in Deklein where we have access to fantastic mining belts and ore, 33 planets with the ability to make all T4 PI components and highly profitable and nearly limitless combat sites and complexes. +Stronghelm Corporation is a casual, laid back, low stress corporation whom is a member of the 2500+ member alliance [SLYCE] Solyaris Chtonium as well as the 10,000+ member Guardians of the Galaxy [GotG]. We have our fingers in all areas of EvE including Industry, Exploration and PVP. We own our own [SOV] Sovereignty systems in Deklein where we have access to 168 moons, 38 fantastic mining belts including an ice belt, 34 planets with the ability to make T4 PI components and highly profitable and nearly limitless combat sites and complexes.
-For those interested in PVP. We took part in the war against the Imperium and have daily alliance and coalition sponsored PVP fleets. Our alliance has skilled FC's and a training program for learning how to PVP. We also encourage our PVP oriented members to participate in the NPSI community. Our mature members enjoy socializing with like minded players who don't take politics to seriously. As an example if a corp member is in one NPSI fleet and that fleet meets another NPSI fleet with a corp member in it we aren't afraid to take shots at each other and have a laugh about it later. +For those interested in PVP. We took part in the war against the Imperium and have daily alliance and coalition sponsored PVP fleets. Our alliance has skilled FC’s and a training program for learning how to PVP. We also encourage our PVP oriented members to participate in the NPSI community. Our mature members enjoy socializing with like minded players who don’t take politics to seriously. As an example if a corp member is in one NPSI fleet and that fleet meets another NPSI fleet with a corp member in it we aren’t afraid to take shots at each other and have a laugh about it later.
-We primarily enjoy small or large gang PVP in Low, Null or W Sec. However we are also PVE friendly, and all of us take part in some form of PVE to make ISK to buy ships and support the corporation. We are new player friendly and are here to offer advice to help make your new player experience the best you can. We are most active during US and EU timezones. We generally fly cruisers and below because we'd rather fly a ship that costs pocket change over and over again than a large blingy ship that compensates for the size of something else. +We do fly big boy toys but we primarily enjoy small or large gang PVP in Low, Null or W Sec. However we are also PVE friendly, and all of us take part in some form of PVE to make ISK to buy ships and support the corporation. We are new player friendly and are here to offer advice to help make your new player experience the best you can. We are most active during US and EU timezones.
 What we offer: What we offer:
  Friendly low stress PVP/PVE corp membership  Friendly low stress PVP/PVE corp membership
  Null Sec SOV ownership and Alliance Membership in [SLYCE] Solyaris Chtonium  Null Sec SOV ownership and Alliance Membership in [SLYCE] Solyaris Chtonium
 + Fully upgraded systems with Level 5 ore and mining upgrades.
 + Access to 168 moons with the ability to moon mine or even rent your own moons from the corp.
- Access to fantastic mining belts and ore, 33 planets with the ability to make all T4 PI components and highly profitable and nearly limitless combat sites and complexes. + Access to a fantastic 38 mining belts (plus and ice belt) and 34 planets with the ability to make T4 PI components and highly profitable and nearly limitless combat sites and complexes.
  Freedom to do as you want  Freedom to do as you want
  PVP/PVE players who don’t stress the little things  PVP/PVE players who don’t stress the little things
  Low Tax Rate of 7.5% (0% PI)  Low Tax Rate of 7.5% (0% PI)
  Opportunity to be involved in corp leadership and planning  Opportunity to be involved in corp leadership and planning
  Appreciation for what you offer the corp  Appreciation for what you offer the corp
  No worries if you want to spend the day mining or building your industrial empire, we have to make isk somewhere.  No worries if you want to spend the day mining or building your industrial empire, we have to make isk somewhere.
- Access to profitable Null Sec and Wormhole Space 
- Station Offices and POS's offers full industrial including: Manufacturing, Material/Time Research, Copying, Invention. + Station Offices, Citadels Refineries and Engineering Complexes offering full industrial including: Manufacturing, Material/Time Research, Copying, Invention.
  Ship Replacement Program (SRP) for Alliance doctrine ships.  Ship Replacement Program (SRP) for Alliance doctrine ships.
  Top Killboard of Month Prizes.  Top Killboard of Month Prizes.
  Rewards for Industrialists who help the corp.  Rewards for Industrialists who help the corp.
- Freedom to fly, shoot and hunt where you want. + Freedom to fly, shoot and hunt where you want.
 What we want: What we want:
 + People willing to fly doctrine ships and defend our space when needed
-+ Capital pilots with 25 mil skill points
 + Regular and active monthly CTA, Redpen, Strat Op fleet participation
 + Folks who are active on teamspeak and with their corp and alliance members
  People interested in both PVE and PVP in nullsec  People interested in both PVE and PVP in nullsec
  PVE ratters who are willing to defend the home system  PVE ratters who are willing to defend the home system
  PVE industrialists who are the backbone of any good PVP corp  PVE industrialists who are the backbone of any good PVP corp
  Mature laid back members who can have a laugh when they lose a ship  Mature laid back members who can have a laugh when they lose a ship
  Fun folks with a sense of humor  Fun folks with a sense of humor
  Ability to find things to do and operate independently  Ability to find things to do and operate independently
  We have room for people interested in FCing.  We have room for people interested in FCing.
- Prefer 21+ but mature younger folks can apply + Prefer 21+ but mature younger folks can apply
 +We Are Open to Experienced Active Players who enjoy being on Teamspeak and participating in Alliance and Coalition Fleets
-We Are Open to New Players: 
 If your looking to join a great corp, join the Stronghelm Corp channel. If your looking to join a great corp, join the Stronghelm Corp channel.

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Resources 2017-10-29 14:00:28 Corporation Description
Alliance Solyaris Chtonium Member 4738
Corporation Stronghelm Corporation Member 63
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