Corporation - Description - 2018-02-28 14:02:04 - Live Ticker



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 "In our defense... we were left unsupervised" "In our defense... we were left unsupervised"
 +We're a corporation. We do stuff. Sometimes we go mining Mining or conduct Industry. Occasionally, we try Ratting and Escalations. Every once in a while, we go out Exploring. No matter what stuff we do, people have a very nasty nasty habit of trying to interrupt us.
 +CEO: SomeoneStrange
 +Industry Director: George Magvasi (Order caps from this guy)
-We're a corporation. We do stuff. Sometimes Mining and Industry, occasionally Ratting and Exploration, and a whole lot of Logistics. +Technology Director: Erelaszun (Tell this guy about problems with our website)
-Chief Diplomatic Officer: Gellentara (talk to him if you need to report an Incident) 
-Cheif Logistics Officer: Mr. Burke (if you need something Moved) 
-CEO: SomeoneStrange  
 SomeoneStrange: "How can our enemies plan for our drops if we don't?" SomeoneStrange: "How can our enemies plan for our drops if we don't?"

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Resources 2018-02-28 14:02:04 Corporation Description
Alliance Solyaris Chtonium Member 4794
Corporation Worthless Carebears Member 639
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