Corporation - Description - 2018-04-20 01:08:25 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Binary Spaceships [BYSS] is a corp of new and old eve players. Our main focus is to just enjoy the game. We are based out of the Khanid Kingdom region. We named our corp Binary Spaceships as a reminder that this is just a game. We belive wealthy happy pilots make for the best eve experiance! Binary Spaceships [BYSS] is a corp of new and old eve players. Our main focus is to just enjoy the game. We are based out of the Khanid Kingdom region. We named our corp Binary Spaceships as a reminder that this is just a game. We belive wealthy happy pilots make for the best eve experiance!
 What we are looking for: What we are looking for:
 -Missioners -Missioners
 -Miners -Miners
 -Industrialist -Industrialist
 -New PVP's -New PVP's
 -New and old players -New and old players
 -Any one looking to just have fun -Any one looking to just have fun
 -No SP minimum to join -No SP minimum to join
 What we offer: What we offer:
 -Advise -Advise
 -Friendly eviornment -Friendly eviornment
 -Laidback play  -Laidback play
 -Assistance of all types -Assistance of all types
 -No manditory corp function or corp ops -No manditory corp function or corp ops
 We do a variety of fleet ops. Participation in corp ops is encouraged but not required. We do a weekly mining op to provide things for the corp such as ammo and drones. We do personal mining fleets where we have an orca out and everyone dumps into it and you get all the ore you mined when you are done (checked via loot log). Some players will also pay to keep the ore you mined through these ops. We also do missioning fleets to grind through them faster. We do a variety of fleet ops. Participation in corp ops is encouraged but not required. We do a weekly mining op to provide things for the corp such as ammo and drones. We do personal mining fleets where we have an orca out and everyone dumps into it and you get all the ore you mined when you are done (checked via loot log). Some players will also pay to keep the ore you mined through these ops. We also do missioning fleets to grind through them faster.
 We have a 5% corp tax to cover the cost of corp hangers for everyone to use.  We have a 5% corp tax to cover the cost of corp hangers for everyone to use.
 We are an anti pirate corp and condone piracy.  We are an anti pirate corp and condone piracy.
-Chase Darkenchild 
-Drake Darkenchild +Diplo's: Drake Darkenchild Chase Darkenchild Last Wolfeman
-Last Wolfeman 

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Resources 2018-04-20 01:08:25 Corporation Description
Corporation Binary Spaceships Member 7
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