Corporation - Description - 2010-06-02 06:02:10 - Live Ticker


  • Corporation WOoHD has changed their description


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-were a corp making a second start in eve +we are a corp making a second start in eve
-wer are currently a pvp, mission corp looking for new members +we are currently a pvp, mission corp looking for new members
-prefrences: no trail accounts, no people who bug out of game after a month, atleast a sp of 5mil absolut minimum 3m, pvp experiances (we can teach ya those), +preferences: no trail accounts, no people who bug out of game after a month, at least a sp of 5mil absolutely minimum 3m, pvp experiences (we can teach ya those), no anti weed people
 if things work out we get a vent srv forum and private kb if things work out we get a vent srv forum and private kb
 goal : goal :
-owning a pos and a whormhole space so we have our own place in eve and a plaze to make a lot of iskies also to have an easy way for low sec ops also when this is actiefed we wil also get miners and people for reachers and production into our corp +owning a pos and a whormhole space so we have our own place in eve and a place to make a lot of iskies also to have an easy way for low sec ops also when this is at least we wil also get miners and people for reachers and production into our corp
 +teamwork is a must
-we need your api key if you are aplying +we need your api key if you are applying
 you can get it here  you can get it here

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Resources 2010-06-02 06:02:10 Corporation Description
Corporation WOoHD Member 4
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API J:20 Dec 19:22 K:20 Dec 19:21 C:20 Dec 19:57 A:20 Dec 19:54 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Dec 19:51 S:20 Dec 19:34 W:20 Dec 19:24