Corporation - Description - 2019-10-25 20:53:28 - Live Ticker



Old New
 CEO Flamewarrior CEO Flamewarrior
 Recuritment: Flamewarrior, Avbar Recuritment: Flamewarrior, Avbar
 we live in Fihrneh we live in Fihrneh
 Hall Of Flame Hall Of Flame
 WE ALSO TEACH NEWBIE!!! SO JOIN NOW~~ WE also hope to enable members to achieve self efficient so they can make isk on their own, but also join in for LARGE operation =) most importantly we are looking to expand our corp by upgrading our member's power such as their pvp skills, isk wallet =) WE ALSO TEACH NEWBIE!!! SO JOIN NOW~~ WE also hope to enable members to achieve self efficient so they can make isk on their own, but also join in for LARGE operation =) most importantly we are looking to expand our corp by upgrading our member's power such as their pvp skills, isk wallet =)
 Send inquires to CEO/Director via ingame mail. Send inquires to CEO/Director via ingame mail.
 We are currently Recuriting Mission Runner/ Exp Pvper We are currently Recuriting Mission Runner/ Exp Pvper
 long term goal: Increase our numbers of member as much as we could =) long term goal: Increase our numbers of member as much as we could =)
 Recruiting: All Races Welcome!!! we Kill with honor!  Recruiting: All Races Welcome!!! we Kill with honor!
 Hall of Flame is now recruiting! Weekly ops include: Hall of Flame is now recruiting! Weekly ops include:
 - Best possible Mining bonuses - Best possible Mining bonuses
 - PvP Wing - PvP Wing
 - Team Speak server - Team Speak server
 - International Crew + Good Brains - International Crew + Good Brains
 All corp members treated as equal except for the slaves. All corp members treated as equal except for the slaves.
 Corp Insurance on ships. 1 month induction Corp Insurance on ships. 1 month induction
-â–ºPvP â–ºSmall - Mid Fleets â–ºLow sec Raids â–ºTS & KB +?PvP ?Small - Mid Fleets ?Low sec Raids ?TS & KB
 If you are not Part of the Flame, u suffer the world of PAIN If you are not Part of the Flame, u suffer the world of PAIN
-我々は、世界EVEのファンが世界中からもちろん、私たちの会社に参加する人々を歓迎いたします、、ただし、RMT についてはお辞めください。+??????EVE??????????????????????????????????????????RMT??????????????

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Resources 2019-10-25 20:53:28 Corporation Description
Corporation Hall Of Flame Member 9
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