Corporation - Description - 2020-09-23 09:14:16 - Live Ticker



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-Lunar Legion is a nullsec corporation living in Providence. We operate NRDS (Not Red, Don't Shoot) within Providence and Amarr lowsec, and NBSI (Not Blue, Shoot It) elsewhere. +Lunar Legion is a nullsec corporation living in The Great Wildlands. We operate NRDS (Not Red, Don't Shoot) within The Great Wildlands and Amarr lowsec, and NBSI (Not Blue, Shoot It) elsewhere.
 Why Join Us? Why Join Us?
 - You'll be a part of an amazing family here at Total Eclipse, with a wealth of experience to share and people online all the time; - You'll be a part of an amazing family here at Total Eclipse, with a wealth of experience to share and people online all the time;
-- You'll be a part of the only NRDS community still in Eve, and still going strong after 15 years; +- You'll be a part of the only NRDS community still in Eve,
-- You'll have full access to nullsec ratting sites, trade channels, escalations, mining, and the best exploration sites in New Eden; 
-- There's a great buyback programme for all ore, salvage, PI loot, and moon goo at 100% of the Jita buy rate; 
-- You'll get free skillbooks & free ships for ratting, mining, and PvP. 
-There are no minimum SP requirements, no activity requirements, and we're in the process of setting up a wiki with skillplans, explanations of all the different ways you can make ISK, and a load more! 
 +- PvP is our main focus.

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Resources 2020-09-23 09:14:16 Corporation Description
Alliance Total Eclipse. Member 27
Corporation Lunar Legion. Member 3
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