Corporation - Description - 2010-09-05 06:10:26 - Live Ticker



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 'Our Rifters shall blot out the stars"-Clam Chowdah 'Our Rifters shall blot out the stars"-Clam Chowdah
 Sister Corp: Blood Money Inc. Sister Corp: Blood Money Inc.
 Public Chat: BloodM Public Public Chat: BloodM Public
-Conditions of your agreed upon ransom will be honored, as Blood Money Inc. is an honorable pirate corp. Any member violating the terms of a ransom will be kicked from the corp. If you believe you have been unfairly treated, contact Morgan Rose +Conditions of your agreed upon ransom will be honored, as Blood Money Inc. is an honorable pirate corp. Any member violating the terms of a ransom will be kicked from the corp. If you believe you have been unfairly treated, contact Skira Ranos
 Disclaimer I: With that said: if your ship or pod is destroyed after you paid a ransom, you will be fully refunded your ransom payment. Paying a ransom does not entitle you to 100% immunity, as (in some situations) your ship or pod might require removal. Disclaimer I: With that said: if your ship or pod is destroyed after you paid a ransom, you will be fully refunded your ransom payment. Paying a ransom does not entitle you to 100% immunity, as (in some situations) your ship or pod might require removal.
 Disclaimer II: A ransom entitles you to ONE ceasation of hostilities. If you continue trying to rat/hunt/mine/whatever in low sec, you are free game to get attacked and ransomed again latter on during the same day. Disclaimer II: A ransom entitles you to ONE ceasation of hostilities. If you continue trying to rat/hunt/mine/whatever in low sec, you are free game to get attacked and ransomed again latter on during the same day.
 Disclaimer III: If you pay ransom and then turn around and re-engage us, the terms of your ransom are forfeit and you will be killed. In such a situaton, your ransom payment may be claimed as "damages" by our operatives. Disclaimer III: If you pay ransom and then turn around and re-engage us, the terms of your ransom are forfeit and you will be killed. In such a situaton, your ransom payment may be claimed as "damages" by our operatives.

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Resources 2010-09-05 06:10:26 Corporation Description
Alliance The Blood Money Cartel Member 0
Corporation Blood Money Bootcamp Member 4
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