Corporation - Description - 2010-10-26 06:27:27 - Live Ticker



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-Kids with blasters is a small corp dedicated to having fun in eve.+Yep the name says it all. We are kids with blasters (Well,some of us have lasers, and missiles and that other weapon on eve. whatever its called) and we like to use em
-We are excepting members.+So if you like making things explode, we want to talk to yo
 *Must be willing to pvp *Must be willing to pvp
 *At least one month old accounts *At least one month old accounts
 *Must have a mic *Must have a mic
 *Must be on at least once a week *Must be on at least once a week
 for more information contact Coolhandjoe1or join the public channel "kids with blasters public" for more information contact Coolhandjoe1or join the public channel "kids with blasters public"

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Resources 2010-10-26 06:27:27 Corporation Description
Corporation kids with blasters Member 2
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