Corporation - Description - 2010-11-15 06:21:37 - Live Ticker



Old New
 Salus Novus; Salus Novus;
-We are an Mining/Industrial/PVE & PVP 0.0 corp with an extrensive membership base and wide range of oppotuinities for new members to be a part of. If you are looking for a structurred and well supplied corp then feel free to PM us. +We are an Mining/Industrial/PVE & PVP 0.0 corp with an great membership base and wide range of opportunities for new members to be a part of. If you are looking for a structured and well supplied corp then feel free to PM us.
-Recruitment open for 5 Million SP minimum pilots. +Recruitment open for 5 Million SP minimum pilots. However, pilots must be able to make it to our home system.

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Resources 2010-11-15 06:21:37 Corporation Description
Alliance United Front Alliance Member 0
Corporation Salus Novus Member 10
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