Corporation - Description - 2010-11-26 06:23:36 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We are currently recruiting new pilots who have a grasp on reality, are mature, self stable, and willing to play and enjoy _ALL_ aspects of EVE.  We are currently recruiting new pilots who have a grasp on reality, are mature, self stable, and willing to play and enjoy _ALL_ aspects of EVE.
 We do PVE, however our main focus is PVP. We do PVE, however our main focus is PVP.
 If you have a desire or interest in joining, please contact one of the pilots listed below, or visit our pub channel N0M [that's n(zero)m] If you have a desire or interest in joining, please contact one of the pilots listed below, or visit our pub channel N0M [that's n(zero)m]
 - Anahi Nebari - Anahi Nebari
 - Dominatus Crispus - Dominatus Crispus
-- Mad Shade 
 - Relent Devine - Relent Devine
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 Having issue with a N0M member? Looking for a diplomatic or administrative contact? Then please contact Anahi Nebari (CEO) or Dominatus Crispus (Diplo) Having issue with a N0M member? Looking for a diplomatic or administrative contact? Then please contact Anahi Nebari (CEO) or Dominatus Crispus (Diplo)

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