Corporation - Description - 2010-11-28 06:21:19 - Live Ticker



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-YOU CONTROL YOUR FUTURE +Corporation Logo - Depicts a Falcon matched perfectly with two swords. The perfect union between Drone and Drone Carrier
-Founded by the Arkhos family, Paragon Federal is a leading corporation in drone manufacture and drone carrier development. +Founded by the Arkhos family, Paragon Federal is a leading corporation in drone manufacture and drone carrier development.
 As an up in coming drone developer and manufacturer in space, Paragon Federal has a vested interest in drone carriers. While sacrificing relatively little in the way of defensive capability, Paragon Federal ships can chew their way through surprisingly strong opponents - provided, of course, that the pilot uses Paragon Federal drones. As an up in coming drone developer and manufacturer in space, Paragon Federal has a vested interest in drone carriers. While sacrificing relatively little in the way of defensive capability, Paragon Federal ships can chew their way through surprisingly strong opponents - provided, of course, that the pilot uses Paragon Federal drones.
 +Accepting applications for Gallente Pilots ‘ONLY’
-Accepting applications+
 +NeoCom channel: FEDERAL-Public

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Resources 2010-11-28 06:21:19 Corporation Description
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