Corporation - Description - 2010-12-04 22:23:52 - Live Ticker



Old New
 People....On Fire People....On Fire
 Ten friends specializing in wormhole operations. Ten friends specializing in wormhole operations.
 Requirements to join: Requirements to join:
 Vent, a mic, and English. Vent, a mic, and English.
 25mil+ SP. 25mil+ SP.
 Must be able to fly and own a T3. Must be able to fly and own a T3.
 Must have a positive killboard. Must have a positive killboard.
 Must have wormhole experience. Must have wormhole experience.
 Must be an active player willing to have fun. Must be an active player willing to have fun.
 Must enjoy fighting outnumbered. Must enjoy fighting outnumbered.
 Recruiting for the following divisions: Recruiting for the following divisions:
 Mining Mining
 Manufacturing Manufacturing
 Logistics Logistics
 Security Security
 +Recruitment Application:

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Resources 2010-12-04 22:23:52 Corporation Description
Corporation People On fire Member 14
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