Corporation - Description - 2010-12-27 14:13:18 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We do what we must We do what we must
 because we can. because we can.
 For the good of all of us, For the good of all of us,
 Except the ones who are dead. Except the ones who are dead.
 But there's no sense crying over every mistake, But there's no sense crying over every mistake,
 You just keep on trying till you run out of cake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
 Public channel: "Python Public" Public channel: "Python Public"
 RECRUITMENT OPEN! Apply via our forums, no direct in-game applications accepted. RECRUITMENT OPEN! Apply via our forums, no direct in-game applications accepted.
 +Corp motto: PENIS!
 A glimpse in to the day to day life of The Python Cartel: A glimpse in to the day to day life of The Python Cartel:
 [00:46:27] Andrea Skye > the osprey is awesome dammit [00:46:27] Andrea Skye > the osprey is awesome dammit
 [15:05:15] Kerblamo > I AM A RAGING HOMOSEXUAL! [15:05:15] Kerblamo > I AM A RAGING HOMOSEXUAL!
 [18:28:46] Inertial > and hull tanking works damnit! [18:28:46] Inertial > and hull tanking works damnit!
 [08:38:56] Obanin Silverwolf > woohoo got my mining ship back =) [08:38:56] Obanin Silverwolf > woohoo got my mining ship back =)
 [15:17:14] Inertial > I am fleeing from a 11 day old character [15:17:14] Inertial > I am fleeing from a 11 day old character
 [02:01:02] Omgah > i gh and kerblamo are all sex offenders [02:01:02] Omgah > i gh and kerblamo are all sex offenders
 [20:07:58] Golden Helmet > before anyone asks, yes i accidentall the whole forum [20:07:58] Golden Helmet > before anyone asks, yes i accidentall the whole forum
 [06:05:01] Omgah > have you heard how many ships kaz lost today [06:05:01] Omgah > have you heard how many ships kaz lost today
 [06:05:17] Omgah > 2 dramiels, two rapiers [06:05:17] Omgah > 2 dramiels, two rapiers
 [06:05:51] Kazaji > Its not my fault im terrible at this game [06:05:51] Kazaji > Its not my fault im terrible at this game
 [02:08:20] Omgah > being honest isn't being negative [02:08:20] Omgah > being honest isn't being negative
 [02:08:27] Golden Helmet > NEGATIVE NANCY [02:08:27] Golden Helmet > NEGATIVE NANCY
 [02:08:34] Omgah > VIRIGIN [02:08:34] Omgah > VIRIGIN
 [02:08:42] Golden Helmet > TROLL [02:08:42] Golden Helmet > TROLL
 [02:08:52] Omgah > PROUD OF IT [02:08:52] Omgah > PROUD OF IT
 [02:09:02] Golden Helmet > PROUD OF BEING A VIRIGIN TOO [02:09:02] Golden Helmet > PROUD OF BEING A VIRIGIN TOO
 [02:09:05] Apoctasy > WHAT ARE WE DOING [02:09:05] Apoctasy > WHAT ARE WE DOING
 [ 2010.06.23 06:37:33 ] Apoctasy > u mad you cant kill ships? [ 2010.06.23 06:37:33 ] Apoctasy > u mad you cant kill ships?
 [ 2010.06.23 06:37:35 ] TwiceDAsiZe > u mad u gay? [ 2010.06.23 06:37:35 ] TwiceDAsiZe > u mad u gay?
 [22:07:09] Golden Helmet > The Python Cartel: Trolls who Troll Trolls that Troll Trolls [22:07:09] Golden Helmet > The Python Cartel: Trolls who Troll Trolls that Troll Trolls
 [02:41:49] Theophilas > So how much of that GIla loot will I see lol :) ? [02:41:49] Theophilas > So how much of that GIla loot will I see lol :) ?
 [02:41:59] 00sage00 > none [02:41:59] 00sage00 > none
 [02:42:01] Andrea Skye > probably none [02:42:01] Andrea Skye > probably none
 [02:42:02] Golden Helmet > ^ [02:42:02] Golden Helmet > ^
 [02:42:28] 00sage00 > GH pockets it all to pay for virginity restoration surgery [02:42:28] 00sage00 > GH pockets it all to pay for virginity restoration surgery
 [05:20:30] Gallabella > i lost my thanny when they cyno'd me in to save an afk rupture [05:20:30] Gallabella > i lost my thanny when they cyno'd me in to save an afk rupture
 +[00:50:22] Golden Helmet > i have logi 5, am i cool now?
 +[00:50:37] Golden Helmet > :(

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Resources 2010-12-27 14:13:18 Corporation Description
Alliance The Jerk Cartel Member 0
Corporation The Python Cartel. Member 13
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