Corporation - Description - 2010-12-31 06:16:26 - Live Ticker



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-As the name implies, The Farmer's CO-OP is a corporation of workers that provide the universe with resources, but with the name comes an undetectable undertone of mischievious proportions creating room for underestimation giving our military force the upper hand in confrontation.+Once a thriving, multi-cultural, multi-specialized corporation, The Farmer's CO-OP began as a conservative effort to create an environment where industrialists could go about their business while being able to rely on the defense of a military force.
-Our mission is to achieve the highest standards of excellence in the fields of engineering, industry, and science. However, that's just to pay the bills.+In just a short time, The Farmer's CO-OP flourished into what is now Axiom Alliance. It was divided into multiple, tightly-bound cooperative corporations which fine-tuned their specializations in order to provide an organized, well-oiled environment conducive to a positive game-play experience.
 +The foundation was poured, and Axiom Alliance thrives on, welcoming others to join our ranks with the understanding that everyone starts somewhere. We would like that "somewhere" to be Axiom Alliance.
-The Farmer's CO-OP is dedicated to your well-being, and we imply no misleading undertones of any kind when mentioning this. Rest assured that The Farmer's CO-OP is prepared to assist you in any personal or business endeavor. We thank you for your continued support, and if you see us around say hello and we'll say hello back. The Farmer's CO-OP: "From ore farmers to lead farmers, you'll find a place."+The Farmer's CO-OP now serves as the resource harvesting powerhouse of Axiom Alliance, providing member-corporations with much-needed resources for production and wealth. Newer characters are always welcome within our ranks, and will be provided with assistance in growth, a strong sense of purpose, and open doors for later operations.
 +Axiom Alliance accommodates the social EVE player. Characters who look to EVE to enjoy. We do not focus on the "work" that needs to be done, but the friendships we forge and the fun we can have.

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Resources 2010-12-31 06:16:26 Corporation Description
Alliance Axiom Alliance Member 0
Corporation The Farmer's CO-OP Member 7
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