Corporation - Description - 2021-07-14 22:00:58 - Live Ticker



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-Red vs Blue +u'Red vs Blue
 Red Federation: Join the Forever War for Fun PvP!  Red Federation: Join the Forever War for Fun PvP!
-Public Channel: R-V-B +Public Channel: R-V-B
 +Public Help Chat: Red vs Blue Flight Academy
-Forums: +Website:
 +Flight Academy:
-Discord: (Public Section, for comms) +Discord:
-Join Our Public Channel R-V-B to enquire about joining RvB, the longest running war in New Eden.+Red Federation and Blue Republic \u2013 two corps locked in eternal war. While other corps try to win wars \u2013 our goal is war \u2013 so we can have more fun with it than anyone else! Our aim is fast -fun \u2013 affordable PvP within a respectful and supportive community.
-youtube Ad +Nobody in Eve has blown up more ships than us and we have launched the careers of many of Eve\u2019s finest PvP pilots and FC\u2019s.
-See our Forum Information Section for FAQ and Rules Here: a two year hiatus one of Eve\u2019s most famous and well-loved brands returned in December 2020 \u2013 its time to enjoy PvP again!
-We have no Permanent Blues, and do engage in piracy. We will form purple as Red and Blue, or with other friends or NPSI groups against 3rd parties or neutrals. Most temp-blue situations are ad-hoc, temporary decisions by the officers on site, contact them for immediate action, or contact a Diplo for long-term discussion or resolution.+Red Federation are contactable via Vision Thing Achasse*
-Join our Public Channel or Contact: Zen Tsai , Metal Jack, nitro oxide,+(* Previous managerial applicants need not re-apply) '
-Public Events 
-Public Events will be announced via our forums event section: HERE, or the EvE forums and Reddit. We currently locate that information in game in our Public R-V-B Chat Channel. 
-Causus Belli Against Blue Republic 
-The exiles. Driven from their home world for refusing to accept the values and beliefs that were once forced upon them. The members of the newly formed Red Federation stand now against those that they once called brothers and sisters, prepared to defend their newfound freedom. 
-Never again will they live under the tyranical rule of the Blue Republic. Never again shall a Red bow his head to their ancient religions and hollow prop 

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Resources 2021-07-14 22:00:58 Corporation Description
Alliance RvB - RED Federation Member 119
Corporation Red Federation Member 119
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