Corporation - Description - 2011-03-17 06:16:33 - Live Ticker



Old New
 No Alliances No Alliances
 Few Blues Few Blues
 No Bullshit No Bullshit
 Just pure pvp Just pure pvp
 Public channel: Broadside Public channel: Broadside
 Raxip Elamp > We maybe could use someone like that. We're like a couple of screaming apes pounding on the keyboard and flinging virtual poo at anyone who gets in our way. Raxip Elamp > We maybe could use someone like that. We're like a couple of screaming apes pounding on the keyboard and flinging virtual poo at anyone who gets in our way.
 Sard Caid > Dude, that description does fit us. Sard Caid > Dude, that description does fit us.
 Raxip Elamp > It totally does Raxip Elamp > It totally does
 Sard Caid > People don't like apeshit in the face. Sard Caid > People don't like apeshit in the face.
 Sard Caid > *is why we win* Sard Caid > *is why we win*
 Raxip Elamp > Shit naw my simian bro Raxip Elamp > Shit naw my simian bro
 Hoe Bag > u guys dont just come into local Hoe Bag > u guys dont just come into local
 Hoe Bag > you knock down the damn door Hoe Bag > you knock down the damn door
 T'Karr > I heard you guys were uber campers ;) T'Karr > I heard you guys were uber campers ;)
 T'Karr > I had respect for you T'Karr > I had respect for you
 Sard Caid > coming from quam that's delicious Sard Caid > coming from quam that's delicious
 @ Sard & Lt Graham @ Sard & Lt Graham
 Caellach Marellus > you're slowly becoming MH's answer to cheech and chong Caellach Marellus > you're slowly becoming MH's answer to cheech and chong
 We be Clammin', they be hatin'. We be Clammin', they be hatin'.
 +Hokay doods, this corporations is now INVITES ONLY, so be patient, polite and get to know our doods before applying, as you're not getting in otherwise.

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Resources 2011-03-17 06:16:33 Corporation Description
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