Corporation - Description - 2011-03-18 06:35:43 - Live Ticker



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 We are an economically focused corporation. We buy and sell on the market for profit. a percentage of the proceeds go towards our ongoing projects. We also have a low sec system for mining in. We are a non aggressive corp. We play nice but we are not afraid of protecting ourselves. We also run missions for Gallente standings and amongst our many goals one of them is to obtain enough standing for a Highsec Research POS. We are an economically focused corporation. We buy and sell on the market for profit. a percentage of the proceeds go towards our ongoing projects. We also have a low sec system for mining in. We are a non aggressive corp. We play nice but we are not afraid of protecting ourselves. We also run missions for Gallente standings and amongst our many goals one of them is to obtain enough standing for a Highsec Research POS.
 +We add value to products other people make.

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Resources 2011-03-18 06:35:43 Corporation Description
Alliance Independent Manufacturers Alliance Member 0
Corporation Atomic Energy Corp Member 20
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