Corporation - Description - 2011-03-21 22:14:24 - Live Ticker



Old New
 No Alliances No Alliances
 Few Blues Few Blues
 No Bullshit No Bullshit
 Just pure pvp Just pure pvp
 Invite only Invite only
 Public channel: Broadside Public channel: Broadside
 Raxip Elamp > We maybe could use someone like that. We're like a couple of screaming apes pounding on the keyboard and flinging virtual poo at anyone who gets in our way. Raxip Elamp > We maybe could use someone like that. We're like a couple of screaming apes pounding on the keyboard and flinging virtual poo at anyone who gets in our way.
 Sard Caid > Dude, that description does fit us. Sard Caid > Dude, that description does fit us.
 Raxip Elamp > It totally does Raxip Elamp > It totally does
 Sard Caid > People don't like apeshit in the face. Sard Caid > People don't like apeshit in the face.
 Sard Caid > *is why we win* Sard Caid > *is why we win*
 Raxip Elamp > Shit naw my simian bro Raxip Elamp > Shit naw my simian bro
 Hoe Bag > u guys dont just come into local Hoe Bag > u guys dont just come into local
 Hoe Bag > you knock down the damn door Hoe Bag > you knock down the damn door
 T'Karr > I heard you guys were uber campers ;) T'Karr > I heard you guys were uber campers ;)
 T'Karr > I had respect for you T'Karr > I had respect for you
 Sard Caid > coming from quam that's delicious Sard Caid > coming from quam that's delicious
 @ Sard & Lt Graham @ Sard & Lt Graham
 Caellach Marellus > you're slowly becoming MH's answer to cheech and chong Caellach Marellus > you're slowly becoming MH's answer to cheech and chong
 We be Clammin', they be hatin'. We be Clammin', they be hatin'.
 Hokay doods, this corporations is now INVITES ONLY, so be patient, polite and get to know our doods before applying, as you're not getting in otherwise. Hokay doods, this corporations is now INVITES ONLY, so be patient, polite and get to know our doods before applying, as you're not getting in otherwise.
 Dirty Protagonist > p diddy wakes up in the morning feeling like sard caid Dirty Protagonist > p diddy wakes up in the morning feeling like sard caid

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