Corporation - Description - 2022-03-13 19:45:34 - Live Ticker



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-"Brothers will fight +u'"Brothers will fight
 and kill each other, and kill each other,
-sisters' children +sisters\' children
 will defile kinship. will defile kinship.
 It is harsh in the world, It is harsh in the world,
 whoredom rife whoredom rife
-—an axe age, a sword age +\u2014an axe age, a sword age\u2014
-—shields are riven—+\u2014shields are riven\u2014
-—a wind age, a wolf age +\u2014a wind age, a wolf age\u2014
 before the world goes headlong. before the world goes headlong.
 No man will have No man will have
-mercy on another." - Völuspá +mercy on another." - V\xf6lusp\xe1
-Ragnarok Rising is a corporation upholding the Viking tradition as explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates. Coming soon to an undefended village near you! +Ragnarok Rising is a corporation upholding the Viking tradition as explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates. Coming soon to an undefended village near you!'

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Resources 2022-03-13 19:45:34 Corporation Description
Corporation Ragnarok Rising Member 3
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