- | http://i.imgur.com/8Yhfc.jpg | |
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| Steam Me Up! | | Steam Me Up! |
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| No Alliances | | No Alliances |
| No Blues | | No Blues |
| No Bullshit | | No Bullshit |
| Just pure pvp | | Just pure pvp |
| Invite only | | Invite only |
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| Public channel: Broadside | | Public channel: Broadside |
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| Raxip Elamp > We maybe could use someone like that. We're like a couple of screaming apes pounding on the keyboard and flinging virtual poo at anyone who gets in our way. | | Raxip Elamp > We maybe could use someone like that. We're like a couple of screaming apes pounding on the keyboard and flinging virtual poo at anyone who gets in our way. |
| Sard Caid > Dude, that description does fit us. | | Sard Caid > Dude, that description does fit us. |
| Raxip Elamp > It totally does | | Raxip Elamp > It totally does |
| Sard Caid > People don't like apeshit in the face. | | Sard Caid > People don't like apeshit in the face. |
| Sard Caid > *is why we win* | | Sard Caid > *is why we win* |
| Raxip Elamp > Shit naw my simian bro | | Raxip Elamp > Shit naw my simian bro |
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| Hoe Bag > u guys dont just come into local | | Hoe Bag > u guys dont just come into local |
| Hoe Bag > you knock down the damn door | | Hoe Bag > you knock down the damn door |
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- | T'Karr > I heard you guys were uber campers ;) | |
- | T'Karr > I had respect for you | |
- | Sard Caid > coming from quam that's delicious | |
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- | @ Sard & Lt Graham | |
- | Caellach Marellus > you're slowly becoming MH's answer to cheech and chong | |
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| We be Clammin', they be hatin'. | | We be Clammin', they be hatin'. |
| Hokay doods, this corporations is now INVITES ONLY, so be patient, polite and get to know our doods before applying, as you're not getting in otherwise. | | Hokay doods, this corporations is now INVITES ONLY, so be patient, polite and get to know our doods before applying, as you're not getting in otherwise. |
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| Dirty Protagonist > p diddy wakes up in the morning feeling like sard caid | | Dirty Protagonist > p diddy wakes up in the morning feeling like sard caid |
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| lLong Shotl > god damnit gunpoint | | lLong Shotl > god damnit gunpoint |
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- | Tuskajuna > gunpoint so bm! | |
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| Jericho Willis > Check out gunpoint too. They're sort of dicks, but they're good. I'll give them that | | Jericho Willis > Check out gunpoint too. They're sort of dicks, but they're good. I'll give them that |