Corporation - Description - 2011-11-16 08:01:20 - Live Ticker



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-The Supreme Interstellar Talent Agency [S.I.T.A] is a corporation intended for legal activities and created for all races and certain specialisations known to New Eden. SITA has been created by beginning players and is intended for any firstborn character. We train new pilots and learn them as much with whatever they want to do in EVE. We also have reopened the M&R division, for any pilot who wants to make money with Industry. +The Supreme Interstellar Talent Agency is a corporation intended for legal activities and created for all races and certain specialisations known to New Eden. We train new pilots and learn them as much with whatever they want to do in EVE. We also have reopened the M&R division, for any pilot who wants to make money with Industry. We produce most of the Amarr tech I ships.
 We offer a friendly, relaxed, steady and secure environment for pilots to become familiar with all aspects of EVE or for them to increase their general learning curve. This means all sorts of things like knowledge, finances, access to agents 1-4 and access to stand-alone incursion fleets. We dont do things like PvP or WHO's. We offer a friendly, relaxed, steady and secure environment for pilots to become familiar with all aspects of EVE or for them to increase their general learning curve. This means all sorts of things like knowledge, finances, access to agents 1-4 and access to stand-alone incursion fleets. We dont do things like PvP or WHO's.
-The corporation hierarchy of SITA is managed by rank, with a total of 9 ranks, ranging from Cadet to Admiral. +SITA uses a ranking system to indicate one's status within the corp, with a total of 9 ranks, ranging from Cadet to Admiral.
 No requirements of any kind, only that you are dedicated and have a CONCORD security status of 0.0 or above. Pilots on trial are allowed, though you will eventually be removed if you stop playing EVE. No requirements of any kind, only that you are dedicated and have a CONCORD security status of 0.0 or above. Pilots on trial are allowed, though you will eventually be removed if you stop playing EVE.
 +Active NRDS policy
 [SITA is linked with SICL] [SITA is linked with SICL]
 CEO/DI: Deckard Treoyles CEO/DI: Deckard Treoyles

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Resources 2011-11-16 08:01:20 Corporation Description
Alliance Insane Asylum Member 0
Corporation Supreme Interstellar Talent Agency Member 2
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