Corporation - Description - 2012-01-21 08:35:43 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Seven Years of Experience 
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 High-sec and low-sec operations for new players. Mining, missioning, research, and production. Also, limited combat training in the future. Learn a lot about the game from an experienced player in a personal environment where each person is just that and not a number. High-sec and low-sec operations for new players. Mining, missioning, research, and production. Also, limited combat training in the future. Learn a lot about the game from an experienced player in a personal environment where each person is just that and not a number.
-Inquiries: Aleksandr Cirtus+Inquiries: Elderchild panda

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Resources 2012-01-21 08:35:43 Corporation Description
Corporation Dark Neutron Star Member 30
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