Corporation - Description - 2012-02-02 10:02:46 - Live Ticker



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-Welcome to the Modern Mining Industries (MMI) Corporation. We are mostly a Mining and Production corporation looking for new and experienced miners to join and help us reach dominance in the mining community. We are a fairly small group in need of Capital indy ship and exhumer pilots and also in need of qualified production personnel as well. We have a pretty laid back attitude and all ideas and suggestions are welcome. We also welcome pilots with combat experience who are willing to protect our more vulnerable miners and Indy ships. And as always you are free to do what you want on your spare time, we may also look for directors of these areas to be in charge of and mold our combat and mining/production pilots alike. +Welcome to the Modern Mining Industries (MDMIN). We are mostly a Mining and Production corporation looking for new and experienced miners to join and help us reach dominance in the mining community. We are a fairly small group in need of Capital indy ship and exhumer pilots and also in need of qualified production personnel as well. We have a pretty laid back attitude and all ideas and suggestions are welcome. We also welcome pilots with combat experience who are willing to protect our more vulnerable miners and Indy ships. And as always you are free to do what you want on your spare time, we may also look for directors of these areas to be in charge of and mold our combat and mining/production pilots alike.

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Resources 2012-02-02 10:02:46 Corporation Description
Alliance Space Mongolians Member 0
Corporation Modern Mining Industries Member 6
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