Corporation - Description - 2012-02-08 11:19:29 - Live Ticker



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 Section 496 is a multiracial corporation operating mainly in and around the Everyshore region in sovereign space of the Gallente Federation. Our main activities are mining and mission running, but we plan on expanding our activities into the manufacturing sector in the (near) future. Section 496 is a multiracial corporation operating mainly in and around the Everyshore region in sovereign space of the Gallente Federation. Our main activities are mining and mission running, but we plan on expanding our activities into the manufacturing sector in the (near) future.
 As a corporation, we invest in our members. Together we are stronger and can mine more and faster than alone. The profit we generate will be returned to our members in some form, such as in the form of modules and ships owned by the corporation, but available to our members. As a corporation, we invest in our members. Together we are stronger and can mine more and faster than alone. The profit we generate will be returned to our members in some form, such as in the form of modules and ships owned by the corporation, but available to our members.
 Section 496 was founded on the 4th of June 2011 by the current CEO, Imperator Erquilenne. Our Headquarters is located at Angymonne V - Moon 6 - Caldari Business Tribunal. Section 496 was founded on the 4th of June 2011 by the current CEO, Imperator Erquilenne. Our Headquarters is located at Angymonne V - Moon 6 - Caldari Business Tribunal.
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 Section 496 is currently looking for new members! Section 496 is currently looking for new members!
 What do we expect from new members? What do we expect from new members?
  Enthusiasm for the game and the corporation  Enthusiasm for the game and the corporation
  Participation in corporation activities  Participation in corporation activities
  Activity. You don't have to be online daily, but we do expect members to play regularly  Activity. You don't have to be online daily, but we do expect members to play regularly
  Trial accounts are allowed, but only if you plan on continuing to play after your trial period  Trial accounts are allowed, but only if you plan on continuing to play after your trial period
  NO minimum amount of skillpoints required!  NO minimum amount of skillpoints required!
 What do we offer new members? What do we offer new members?
- Corporation mining sessions with fleet bonusses. (a small part of the profit will benefit the corporation) + Corporation mining sessions with fleet bonusses.
  Mission running  Mission running
  Customized data such as maps, charts etc. (Under Construction)  Customized data such as maps, charts etc. (Under Construction)
  Players new to EVE can get advice on how to train their characters, fit their ships etc.  Players new to EVE can get advice on how to train their characters, fit their ships etc.
  FUN! We play and chat together.  FUN! We play and chat together.

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Resources 2012-02-08 11:19:29 Corporation Description
Corporation Section 496 Member 7
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