Corporation - Description - 2024-05-31 09:01:40 - Live Ticker



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  bro stalin was cool. bro it wasn't like that. paul robeson said it was ok bro. they just needed to stop the german-japanese trotskyites bro. i swear bro they were fighting capitalist encirclement bro. it was just ezhov, please bro listen, he was the bad guy. beria was an anomaly bro, the soviets were good guys bro, please  bro stalin was cool. bro it wasn't like that. paul robeson said it was ok bro. they just needed to stop the german-japanese trotskyites bro. i swear bro they were fighting capitalist encirclement bro. it was just ezhov, please bro listen, he was the bad guy. beria was an anomaly bro, the soviets were good guys bro, please
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-Manifesto. Buyback Corporation 
-Buyback contracts should be issued at 0 isk for maximum duration. Contracts will normally be paid out within 1 week. We will calculate payouts and send isk when the contract is accepted.+Industry and Logistics corporation.
-Buyback Contacts: 
-Piotr Engels 
-Marcus Gronholm 
-Holly Mendelssohn  
-Anna Gronholm 

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Resources 2024-05-31 09:01:40 Corporation Description
Alliance Total Eclipse. Member 27
Corporation Moon Goolag Member 19
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