Corporation - Description - 2012-08-16 10:31:28 - Live Ticker



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-Who We Are 
-VANUS is a multi race EvE Online Corporation. We are a home for friendly, easy-going and mature individuals who value honour, fair play, good sportsmanship and fun. As a corporation, we emphasise loyalty, openness and honesty. +VANUS is a Combat Engineering PvP Corp We are a home for friendly, and mature individuals who value honour, tactical skill and fun. As a corporation, we require loyalty, integrity, and a Warrior Ethos.
-We specialise in the fields of mining; production; research and trading. We will not support those who partake in piracy.+We specialise in Cloaking Ships and Raiding doctrines, and as Engineers we can support mining & production as needed.
 +We will not support those who partake in piracy.
-We are committed to a corporation that achieves goals, the right way, with the right people, and ensure mutual enjoyment of the game. +We are committed to a corporation that achieves goals, the right way, with the right people, and seek victory on the battlefield.
 Our Goals Our Goals
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-Our long-term goal in EvE is to be able to compete economically, financially and militarily with or against other corporations in EvE. +Our long-term goal in EvE is to compete economically, politically, and militarily with or against other corporations in EvE.
-Our short-term goal, is to grow the organization. We are building teams & leadership,. We provide focus for mutal fleet support. This approach will provide plenty of leadership opportunities as we grow. +Our short-term goal, is to grow the organization. We are building teams & leadership,. We provide focus for combat pilots, and secondary skills in various support roles. This approach provides plenty of leadership opportunities for FCs and Corp Leaders to step up and into support.
 What We Can Do For You What We Can Do For You
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-We are always looking for players - new or old +We are always looking for pilots - new or old
 Are you looking for a corporation where loyalty and trust is key? Are you looking for a corporation where loyalty and trust is key?
-Do you want to join a corporation where combined-ops, whether mining or PvP, is a regular occurrence? +Do you want to join a corporation where combined-ops, whether Conventional or Unconventional Combat, is a regular occurrence?
 We also provide: We also provide:
ʉۢ Rookie PvP training and tools support through our corp and Allianceʉۢ Rookie PvP training and tools support through our corp and Alliance
ʉۢ Regular corporation activitiesʉۢ Regular corporation activities
ʉۢ Corporation sponsored ships. equipment, and skill books.ʉۢ Corporation sponsored ships. equipment, and skill books.
-Whatever you want to do in EvE, we can help you get there... faster and with less mistakes along the way. +Whatever you want to do in EvE, we can help you get there... faster and with less costly errors along the way.
 What You Need To Join What You Need To Join
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 In order to join our corporation, we need you to: In order to join our corporation, we need you to:
ʉۢ Have a mature, friendly attitude;ʉۢ Have a mature, friendly attitude;
ʉۢ Be friendly, helpful and tolerant;ʉۢ Be friendly, helpful and tolerant;
ʉۢ Be a team player;ʉۢ Be a team player;
 No minimum skill points required - but you must complete the tutorials and be on a paid account. No minimum skill points required - but you must complete the tutorials and be on a paid account.
-We're Proud or our Members and their contributions to EVE. +We're Proud or our Members and their contributions to supporting our alliance.
 Contact John Vanus for more info Contact John Vanus for more info

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Resources 2012-08-16 10:31:28 Corporation Description
Alliance IDENTITY UNKN0WN Member 0
Corporation Vanus Technical Solutions Corp Member 39
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