Corporation - Description - 2012-10-03 09:28:36 - Live Ticker



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 Why do miners need a escort? They are slow and have no guns easy prey for pirates (PVP) and rats (PVE)  Why do miners need a escort? They are slow and have no guns easy prey for pirates (PVP) and rats (PVE)
 What will you get from joining? What will you get from joining?
 - PVP and PVE Training - PVP and PVE Training
 - Mining and Mission Support and tips - Mining and Mission Support and tips
 - Fitting Advice - Fitting Advice
 - A Team working to achieve our goals - A Team working to achieve our goals
 - New player friendly - New player friendly
-We are a PVP/PVE/Mining Corporation and Aim to escort mining ops in high and low sec +We are a PVP/PVE Corporation and Aim to escort mining ops in high and low sec then null sec
 We are looking for players who would like to: We are looking for players who would like to:
 - Mine - Mine
 - PVP - PVP
 - PVE/Run missions - PVE/Run missions
 - Make ships and Equipment  - Make ships and Equipment
 - Have a fun time with the team - Have a fun time with the team
 If you would like to join contact Evil seven or Devil Seven if you have any questions please feel free to join our Channel SMEFS If you would like to join contact Evil seven or Devil Seven if you have any questions please feel free to join our Channel SMEFS

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Resources 2012-10-03 09:28:36 Corporation Description
Alliance Mind-Meld Member 0
Corporation Scorpio's Minning Escorts And Fleet Support Member 0
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