Corporation - Description - 2012-10-10 08:17:47 - Live Ticker



Old New
 "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
 -Winston Churchill  -Winston Churchill
 Recruitment: via invite Recruitment: via invite
 Phase one, two and three are now in effect Phase one, two and three are now in effect
 please visit our website for further details. please visit our website for further details.
 Public channel CareBearsStare has been created as always feel free to join and ask any questions! Public channel CareBearsStare has been created as always feel free to join and ask any questions!
 Care-Bears UNITED are a corporation made up of both casual and serious eve players! And as the name implies no we aren’t just a bunch of care bears! Care-Bears UNITED are a corporation made up of both casual and serious eve players! And as the name implies no we aren’t just a bunch of care bears!
 We are a friendly lot of international players that get together online because we share one thing in common we love to play eve! We have our own TeamSpeak server which most of us frequent, the conversations are hilarious at the best of times. We are a friendly lot of international players that get together online because we share one thing in common we love to play eve! We have our own TeamSpeak server which most of us frequent, the conversations are hilarious at the best of times.
 What can we offer you as a potential member? What can we offer you as a potential member?
 1) Daily mission and mining op’s (our member list is on the rise which means at least one or more of our members are engaged in either one or the two) this also includes an official weekly event we like to call Greed Fest! 1) Daily mission and mining op’s (our member list is on the rise which means at least one or more of our members are engaged in either one or the two) this also includes an official weekly event we like to call Greed Fest!
 2) Pvp roams, as a member of care bears united you will be given the opportunity to exact revenue on those or those with similar sinister motives such as pirates or can flippers. 2) Pvp roams, as a member of care bears united you will be given the opportunity to exact revenue on those or those with similar sinister motives such as pirates or can flippers.
 We regularly set traps in high and in low sec space for these criminals (the tears are hilarious) We regularly set traps in high and in low sec space for these criminals (the tears are hilarious)
 3) Ship building programs and research! We have an extensive collection of blueprints and have invested heavily in in our home systems constructing numerous POS (player own stations) 3) Ship building programs and research! We have an extensive collection of blueprints and have invested heavily in in our home systems constructing numerous POS (player own stations)
 4) We have a wide range of new player help programs such as our ISK for ore program and a Corp wide courier service. 4) We have a wide range of new player help programs such as our ISK for ore program and a Corp wide courier service.
 +5) Access to low and null sec with POS support
 +6) We follow the NRDS policy
-So if you are reading this you are one of the lucky ones that have been contacted via our recruiters, unfortunately Care-Bear UNITED is via invite only! If you however are an alliance or another corporation wishing for an alliance or to talk about future standings please contact Kingpin Nil for further details thank you. +So if you are reading this you are one of the lucky ones that have been contacted via our recruiters, unfortunately Care-Bear UNITED is via invite only! If you however are an alliance or another corporation wishing to talk about future standings please contact Kingpin Nil for further details thank you.

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Resources 2012-10-10 08:17:47 Corporation Description
Alliance Silent Infinity Member 864
Corporation Care-Bears UNITED Member 6
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