Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:06:04 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Just started playing eve and you need that one on one help to put you into the Direction You want to go? If so we want you! 
-We are Currently Looking for every type of pilot so.. 
-** Miners 
-** Industrial 
-** Mission Runners 
-** Logistic 
-** Exploration 
-** PVP - PVP Director position Available to experience pilot. 
-** People who enjoy playing the game. 
-So weather your a new or old player, if you just want to have fun and interact with other players. This is the corp for you.+Just started playing eve and you need that one on one help to put you into the Direction You want to go? If so we want you!<br><br>We are Currently Looking for every type of pilot so..<br>** Miners<br>** Industrial<br>** Mission Runners<br>** Logistic<br>** Exploration<br>** PVP - PVP Director position Available to experience pilot.<br>** People who enjoy playing the game.<br><br>So weather your a new or old player, if you just want to have fun and interact with other players. This is the corp for you.<br><br>Language: English<br>
-Language: English 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:06:04 Corporation Description
Corporation WarpDrive Mining Inc. Member 9
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