Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:15:49 - Live Ticker



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-Perhaps you want to mine, or possibly invent. Maybe some missions or a low sec roam is what you need. It could be that a good fight every so often is all you seek. We do these things here at Merlin Reach. But since you are a Pilot in EVE, these things are already available to you, so don’t EXPECT to be GIVEN them here. What we do offer is a place to call home, or to just hang your hat for a while. We will assist you where we can, and offer to share what knowledge we have gained. Only time will tell if Merlin’s is the place for you. Let us know if you would like to join us. +Perhaps you want to mine, or possibly invent. Maybe some missions or a low sec roam is what you need. It could be that a good fight every so often is all you seek. We do these things here at Merlin Reach. But since you are a Pilot in EVE, these things are already available to you, so don’t EXPECT to be GIVEN them here. What we do offer is a place to call home, or to just hang your hat for a while. We will assist you where we can, and offer to share what knowledge we have gained. Only time will tell if Merlin’s is the place for you. Let us know if you would like to join us.<br><br>API keys manditory... no exceptions<br><br>“Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” Nido Qubein
-API keys manditory... no exceptions 
-“Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” Nido Qubein 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:15:49 Corporation Description
Corporation Merlin Reach Member 1
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