Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:19:51 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Offend one of us offend all of us 
-Friendly, versatile, tight-knit Corp  
-Having Fun and enjoying the lolz in life. 
-Oh and were recruting join "thefukkorz" chanel if your interested 
-LolZ Below 
-Maiahn > t2 stripper poles O_O 
-Heavy Assault Wife hits you perfectly with Cast Iron Frying Pan ll, wrecking for a bitter divorce and half your stuff. 
-Nosenz > Always remember...........Shields are like clothes, they must come off. Armor is like a penis, it performs better while hardened. Structure is like a condom, once you're in it- You're fucked.+Offend one of us offend all of us<br><br>Friendly, versatile, tight-knit Corp <br>Having Fun and enjoying the lolz in life.<br><br>Oh and were recruting join "thefukkorz" chanel if your interested<br><br>LolZ Below<br><br>Maiahn &gt; t2 stripper poles O_O<br><br>Heavy Assault Wife hits you perfectly with Cast Iron Frying Pan ll, wrecking for a bitter divorce and half your stuff.<br><br>Nosenz &gt; Always remember...........Shields are like clothes, they must come off. Armor is like a penis, it performs better while hardened. Structure is like a condom, once you're in it- You're fucked.<br><br>Vaeni Vidi Warpi,<br>I came, I saw, I warped the fuck out
-Vaeni Vidi Warpi, 
-I came, I saw, I warped the fuck out 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:19:51 Corporation Description
Corporation BearHatlFuclkers Member 14
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