Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:26:46 - Live Ticker



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-Heretic Industries can provide security/self defense packages to mining/industrial corps at a very low price. 
-light security package containing 20 frigates, of your choice from the list below, fully fitted with ammo, drones, and scripts, all ready to fly once the training is done. 
-price : 20 mill ISK 
-Medium security package containing 10 cruisers, of your choice from the list below, fully fitted with ammo, drones, and scripts, all ready to fly once the training is done.+<a href="showinfo:2//1709380276">Heretic Industries</a> can provide security/self defense packages to mining/industrial corps at a very low price.<br><br>light security package containing 20 frigates, of your choice from the list below, fully fitted with ammo, drones, and scripts, all ready to fly once the training is done.<br><br><i><b><u>Frigates:<br></u><i><b>punisher<br>incursus<br>kestrel<br>rifter<br></b><br><i><b>price : <u>20 mill ISK<br></u></b><br><br><i><b>Medium security package containing 10 cruisers, of your choice from the list below, fully fitted with ammo, drones, and scripts, all ready to fly once the training is done.<br></b><br><i><b><u>Cruisers:<br></u><i><b>blackbird<br>caracal<br>thorax<br>rupture<br>arbitrator<br></b><br><i><b>price: <u>60 mill ISK<br></u></b><br><i><b>we can provide some training and tactics with one of our pilots at added cost.<br></b><br><i><b>for more info. contact:<br><a href="showinfo:1373//651871549">Sha Ableh</a> or <a href="showinfo:1376//542653567">Gerth Dopple</a></b></i></i></i></i></b></i></i></i></i></b></i>
-price: 60 mill ISK 
-we can provide some training and tactics with one of our pilots at added cost. 
-for more info. contact: 
-Sha Ableh or Gerth Dopple 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:26:46 Corporation Description
Corporation Heretic Industries Member 4
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