Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:34:11 - Live Ticker



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-We are a relaxed RL comes first PVP/0.0/Mining/PVE/Production corp. (all rounder) +We are a relaxed RL comes first PVP/0.0/Mining/PVE/Production corp. (all rounder) <br><br>What We Can Offer;<br>*Corp Ore Buy Back Plan <br>*Mining ops (orca and rorqual led)<br>*LEVEL 5 Missions access and missioning in group.<br>*Discounted Ships (make-to-order)<br>*Training &amp; Guidance Given (if needed)<br>*Low-sec/Null-sec roams<br>*BPO access for production<br>*WH OPs<br>*Ventrilo/TS3/KB/Forum<br><br>Recruitment is: <b>Open </b>(as long as we are not at war)<br>(Please include limited API and User ID number when applying)<br><br>For Join Info Please Contact;<br><a href="showinfo:1379//602422489">K5Project</a>, <a href="showinfo:1373//298563121">Syila</a>
-What We Can Offer; 
-*Corp Ore Buy Back Plan  
-*Mining ops (orca and rorqual led) 
-*LEVEL 5 Missions access and missioning in group. 
-*Discounted Ships (make-to-order) 
-*Training & Guidance Given (if needed) 
-*Low-sec/Null-sec roams 
-*BPO access for production 
-*WH OPs 
-Recruitment is: Open (as long as we are not at war) 
-(Please include limited API and User ID number when applying) 
-For Join Info Please Contact; 
-K5Project, Syila 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:34:11 Corporation Description
Alliance Armada Assail Member 4
Corporation Imperial Manufactorum Member 4
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API J:15 Mar 00:37 K:15 Mar 00:34 C:15 Mar 01:08 A:15 Mar 01:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:15 Mar 00:42 S:15 Mar 00:31 W:15 Mar 00:15