System Share

Name UniverseMap Brapelille Planets 11 Jumps 1h/24h 105 2617
Region UniverseMap Sinq Laison Moons 40 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Wyllequet Belts/Icebelts 8 +1 NPC Kills 37 3760
Security Level 0.7 Security Class D1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Gallente Federation Local Pirates Serpentis
Minerals/Ice Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber, Blue Ice (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (10 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap KBP7-G -0.26 Curatores Veritatis Alliance (5)
Show Route Show Route Brapelille Goto Ardallabier Goto Jel Goto Egghelende Goto Siseide Goto Auga Goto Kourmonen Goto Kamela Goto Choonka Goto Dital Goto KBP7-G

Lowsec System (3 Jumps)
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Egghelende 0.4 Gallente Federation
Show Route Show Route Brapelille Goto Ardallabier Goto Jel Goto Egghelende

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesBrapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Bureau Offices
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Freight StorageStorageBrapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Freight Storage
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille IX - Moon 18 - Federal Administration Information CenterInformation CenterBrapelille IX - Moon 18 - Federal Administration Information Center
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille IX - Moon 18 - Modern Finances DepositoryDepositoryBrapelille IX - Moon 18 - Modern Finances Depository
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille X - Moon 5 - Federal Administration Information CenterInformation CenterBrapelille X - Moon 5 - Federal Administration Information Center
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille X - Moon 6 - Federal Freight StorageStorageBrapelille X - Moon 6 - Federal Freight Storage
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille XI - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension StorageStorageBrapelille XI - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension Storage
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Freight StorageStorageBrapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Freight Storage
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille X - Moon 6 - Federal Freight StorageStorageBrapelille X - Moon 6 - Federal Freight Storage
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille XI - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension StorageStorageBrapelille XI - Moon 1 - Freedom Extension Storage
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Brapelille 0.7 Gallente Federation Brapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesBrapelille IV - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Bureau Offices
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Fricoure 0.8 Gallente Federation Fricoure VIII - Moon 2 - Federation Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantFricoure VIII - Moon 2 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Fricoure 0.8 Gallente Federation Fricoure VIII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryFricoure VIII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
Show Route Show Route Brapelille Goto Fricoure

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Fricoure 0.8 Gallente Federation Fricoure VIII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryFricoure VIII - Moon 3 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
Show Route Show Route Brapelille Goto Fricoure

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