Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:05:34 - Live Ticker



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---Clear Thought Research and Development-- 
-We are a mining and industrial corporation looking to provide a strong relation between members and contacts in order to build a beneficial and fun enviornment for our members.+--Clear Thought Research and Development--<br><br>We are a mining and industrial corporation looking to provide a strong relation between members and contacts in order to build a beneficial and fun enviornment for our members.<br><br>Goals-<br>We aim to guide and advise newer players in the mining and industrial fields.<br>We aim to provide all the relative bonuses to mining and industry we can and more.<br>We would like to gather players that endeavor to make the most of manufacturing, mining, trade and even missions.<br>Gaining the standings for high lvl missions-- we will run missions as often as there is a demand for them to help gain the proper standings for all members--<br>Manufacturing for the Corp. - We will gather materials on behalf of the corporation and manufacture goods to sell, and split profit or reserve for Corp use.<br><br><br>What we require-<br>Maturity, adaptability, and a sense of respect for other players.<br>We need to handle issuese and events properly, be able to adapt to changing circumstances and always have respect for fellow corp members whether they play the same way or not.<br>NRDS policy. aka- not red don't shoot.<br><br>What are we looking for in pilots-<br>-*New Pilots*-<br>Cooperative pilots.<br>mining and industry skilled pilots<br>Mission runners<br>Friendly attitude<br><br><br>Questions? -&gt; Alysur Dios'l <br><br>---&lt; Recruiting Open &gt;---
-We aim to guide and advise newer players in the mining and industrial fields. 
-We aim to provide all the relative bonuses to mining and industry we can and more. 
-We would like to gather players that endeavor to make the most of manufacturing, mining, trade and even missions. 
-Gaining the standings for high lvl missions-- we will run missions as often as there is a demand for them to help gain the proper standings for all members-- 
-Manufacturing for the Corp. - We will gather materials on behalf of the corporation and manufacture goods to sell, and split profit or reserve for Corp use. 
-What we require- 
-Maturity, adaptability, and a sense of respect for other players. 
-We need to handle issuese and events properly, be able to adapt to changing circumstances and always have respect for fellow corp members whether they play the same way or not. 
-NRDS policy. aka- not red don't shoot. 
-What are we looking for in pilots- 
--*New Pilots*- 
-Cooperative pilots. 
-mining and industry skilled pilots 
-Mission runners 
-Friendly attitude 
-Questions? -> Alysur Dios'l  
----< Recruiting Open >--- 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:05:34 Corporation Description
Corporation Clear Thought Research and Development Member 2
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