Alliance Share

Dead Terrorists
Name Dead Terrorists
Ticker IKILU
Faction -
Members 107
Corporations 2
Founded 2008-12-07
AllianceID 1728396456

Corporations [2]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Empire Assault Corp EAK 101 2011-06-01 06:14:00
Qui Quis Facientibus Machinis Belli FMB. 6 2018-12-08 18:30:32

Former Corporations [124]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Bad Temper's D.1.E 1 2008-12-08 22:35:00 2009-02-10 21:00:14
Solar RavengersDead RAV3 0 2008-12-23 15:22:00 2009-03-24 21:00:03
DEATH'S LEGION D-L 16 2009-03-25 14:45:00 2009-05-10 21:00:05
OVERLOAD.Dead -HEAT 0 2009-03-17 22:48:00 2009-06-20 15:02:10
Vivicide .VIV. 7 2009-03-20 09:12:00 2009-06-26 15:02:04
Dead HoldingsDead H8ED 0 2008-12-20 16:00:00 2009-07-04 16:04:09
Surge. POPIT 2 2009-03-25 14:45:00 2009-07-04 16:04:09
Devastation Corp.Dead .DEAD 0 2009-07-26 14:20:00 2009-09-27 16:04:09
Palsies RE RE 1 2009-08-26 16:00:00 2009-10-25 22:00:16
The Wormhole Assault TeamDead TW4TZ 0 2009-10-06 17:52:00 2009-11-07 16:02:08
Monolithic. INVLN 1 2009-11-11 21:06:00 2009-12-10 01:39:47
Carnage In C-Minor CIC-M 2 2009-09-22 19:15:00 2009-12-20 13:52:33
Solar RavengersDead RAV3 0 2009-12-06 12:43:00 2009-12-20 20:52:53
Hydro Chronic HC69 5 2009-10-08 00:00:00 2009-12-23 21:55:27
The Meat Grinder CH0P 3 2009-11-09 15:24:00 2010-02-04 17:31:46
Zinx Technologies LLC ZINX 2 2009-12-18 13:42:00 2010-02-13 03:54:27
B4D W0LF B4DWO 4 2010-02-13 18:38:00 2010-02-13 21:55:03
Top Station TOPS. 3 2010-02-05 18:23:00 2010-02-26 13:11:56
KickAssCrew KAC 2 2010-02-04 18:46:00 2010-03-01 08:14:41
Foundation FND 25 2010-01-29 00:34:00 2010-03-23 23:25:16
Privateers Of Virtue POVS 25 2010-02-19 15:11:00 2010-04-07 18:30:11
Aurora Security A.SEC 9 2010-02-10 19:02:00 2010-04-11 22:39:15
Drunken Ratbags Inc SLOSH 6 2010-02-04 18:46:00 2010-05-08 22:32:20
Idiots In Spaceships ID1OT 11 2010-02-04 18:46:00 2010-05-20 00:14:49
Tricell MercenariesDead .MERC 0 2010-05-10 09:48:00 2010-05-20 20:15:36
Zinx Technologies LLC ZINX 2 2010-02-23 01:42:00 2010-07-12 14:33:58
Quiet.Storm -QS- 31 2010-02-01 13:43:00 2010-07-13 05:39:47
Born-2-Kill B2K 17 2010-09-01 22:14:00 2010-10-09 12:53:31
TAKEN.Dead TKN. 0 2010-06-17 21:53:00 2010-10-10 20:54:51
The Unpodable Supermen SPRM 37 2010-09-10 07:10:00 2010-10-11 22:55:47
Blood Phage Syndicate BDPS 4 2009-11-09 15:24:00 2010-10-17 22:06:36
Black Fury CREAM 2 2010-03-19 23:48:00 2010-10-25 15:51:16
WEPRA CORP WCO 10 2010-09-11 14:15:00 2010-10-26 11:52:11
Carthage Industries CAGEI 5 2010-09-17 10:40:00 2010-10-27 22:58:46
Priory Of The Lemon PRIO Brave Collective 122 2010-09-16 22:40:00 2010-10-28 19:59:34
Daemon Industries DAIN 2 2010-10-29 06:06:00 2010-11-01 10:56:15
Cosmic Fusion -C-F- 1 2010-08-11 08:03:00 2010-11-06 16:03:49
The Resident Haunting 5P00K 3 2010-09-13 19:27:00 2010-11-06 22:42:11
Princeps Corp PRIN Brack Regen 1 2010-09-17 18:11:00 2010-11-08 05:02:02
Devil Human Dark Side HDSH 2 2010-11-09 23:52:00 2010-11-10 23:25:13
Burning TechnologiesDead B-T. 0 2010-09-22 21:30:00 2010-11-11 17:28:46
DAB DAB Solyaris Chtonium 24 2010-08-02 16:30:00 2010-11-12 09:38:05
Blood Phage Syndicate BDPS 4 2010-10-27 22:33:00 2010-11-14 09:09:16
Psychotic Sea Monkeys CYKO 4 2010-09-21 18:11:00 2010-11-14 22:27:32
Mortis Angelus MORTS Kybernauts Clade 17 2010-09-07 19:17:00 2010-11-17 23:38:12
Cow Boys From HeII BLSHT 1 2010-09-22 21:30:00 2010-11-19 23:09:11
Biotex IndustriesDead BITEX 0 2010-07-21 22:30:00 2010-11-19 23:09:11
Helljumpers ODST 16 2010-06-10 13:34:00 2010-11-22 13:52:54
Aura of Darkness AUDK 5 2010-02-07 20:23:00 2010-12-29 22:49:23
Royal Enterprise R ENT 21 2010-02-05 23:23:00 2011-01-02 02:51:31
Cow Boys From HeII BLSHT 1 2010-11-21 17:57:00 2011-01-07 07:21:16
Galaxy Punks L.A.X 25 2010-08-23 16:38:00 2011-01-27 06:35:46
The Littlest Hobos WEDIE The Whale Hunters Association 15 2010-09-10 18:31:00 2011-02-17 20:27:00
Dead HoldingsDead 2KILU 0 2010-02-08 18:30:00 2011-03-15 12:14:06
Self Preservation Society the 2nd SPC2 5 2011-01-23 12:31:00 2011-04-04 06:13:53
Schrodinger's Renegades SADES 17 2009-11-23 14:52:00 2011-04-05 05:59:17
(Executor Corp)Empire Assault Corp EAK Dead Terrorists 101 2008-12-07 18:18:00 2011-04-17 08:18:29
Initium Malum INMAL 11 2011-04-05 05:44:00 2011-06-04 14:38:05
The Danger Zone ARCHR 4 2012-05-04 19:37:00 2013-01-12 16:56:48
Masters of Ownage. M0O. 2 2012-11-22 23:11:00 2013-02-24 20:39:08
Lockstock. LSTOC 19 2012-08-26 08:58:00 2013-02-24 20:39:08
Tactical Warfare And Terrorism TWAT2 10 2013-04-15 00:33:00 2013-09-22 08:20:42
The Crabbit CRAB. 11 2013-04-30 18:31:00 2013-10-12 19:17:17
VS-PREDATORSDead VS-P 0 2013-10-06 13:38:00 2013-10-19 16:11:59
Sickology 51CK 5 2013-09-19 00:41:00 2013-10-26 00:14:30
W33D Corp. W33DC 28 2013-06-10 22:41:00 2013-10-30 20:26:33
Nexis. NXS. Shadow Ultimatum 7 2013-08-12 14:13:00 2013-11-08 15:47:01
Lost Inferno LINF 4 2013-06-04 22:35:00 2013-11-09 00:20:18
Clear Sky Mercs CSM.. 15 2013-06-12 21:01:00 2013-12-22 10:18:39
Malevolent Intentions MALIN 3 2013-11-05 19:36:00 2014-03-04 17:10:13
Apocalyptic Theorem AP-TH 6 2013-09-07 20:28:00 2014-05-26 21:13:29
Approaching Farewell AFAIR 2 2014-07-08 23:53:00 2014-07-11 17:07:22
Approaching Farewell AFAIR 2 2014-07-20 01:38:00 2014-07-20 02:59:57
Cuneo.Dead CUNEO 0 2014-08-26 01:17:00 2014-09-13 21:12:02
Righteous Immortal Pew RIP-U Corpse Disposal Services 5 2014-07-08 23:53:00 2014-09-25 01:22:15
0mega. 0MG. 1 2014-12-06 15:00:00 2015-01-01 18:46:52
Disbanding As We Speak DAWS. 3 2014-12-01 21:13:00 2015-02-20 21:59:06
Relentless Terrorism R1OT 12 2014-12-17 23:59:00 2015-02-24 02:48:14
Lost Inferno LINF 4 2014-09-28 23:21:00 2015-03-19 23:00:33
Takkouri Empire TAKKU 5 2013-12-08 21:21:00 2015-04-06 01:57:03
Dark Forge Enterprise DFENT 24 2014-08-18 17:58:00 2015-04-09 11:34:42
Disbanding As We Speak DAWS. 3 2015-05-04 11:59:00 2015-05-04 22:03:22
Calibrated Chaos L33T. 3 2015-01-29 18:59:00 2015-05-06 23:47:01
Inkurudo Hofuku INRUD 2 2015-04-26 20:12:00 2015-06-14 15:40:33
Disbanding As We Speak DAWS. 3 2015-05-06 18:20:00 2015-06-20 11:28:49
Snowman Supply and Logistics SNWM 1 2013-10-12 21:14:00 2015-07-01 01:30:26
1t Burns When i PVP 1BWIP 1 2015-06-17 23:11:00 2015-07-06 15:39:10
Hold Fast HOLD- 10 2015-06-15 09:22:00 2015-07-06 15:39:10
CONTRATTO CTRO 14 2014-11-27 00:47:00 2015-07-07 00:58:43
Scope Works SWCW 5 2015-09-01 01:38:00 2015-09-28 22:50:47
Stille Gewalt M4CHT 19 2014-10-19 00:20:00 2015-10-20 10:23:12
Paxi-Fixi. FIXI. 11 2014-12-22 14:32:00 2015-10-20 18:44:03
Free Throbbing Veinal Penii For Spacmens ASBO. 19 2015-07-05 13:35:00 2015-12-28 20:39:49
DEATH'S LEGION D-L 16 2015-01-09 00:55:00 2016-03-07 21:15:20
FUITA FUITA 5 2015-12-16 08:10:00 2016-04-20 09:07:41
Mostly Sober FU84R Golden Corral Appreciation Society 4 2015-07-05 09:34:00 2016-04-20 15:31:07
Appetite 4 Destruction A.4.D 81 2016-04-09 09:09:00 2016-04-30 21:23:44
Black Saints BRSTS 2 2016-01-18 02:00:00 2016-05-09 16:46:54
Sophisticated LiquidatorsDead .POSH 0 2016-02-10 21:07:00 2016-05-29 17:31:06
Pakistan Assault Corp URDU 1 2016-08-09 20:36:00 2016-08-11 10:48:19
Sekura-Corporation .SEK. 6 2016-08-09 20:36:00 2016-08-11 10:48:19
Lotka Volterra. LOTKA 14 2016-01-13 02:21:00 2016-08-13 00:20:59
Your Loss UR-LO 5 2014-09-22 16:37:00 2016-09-02 18:48:16
Disbanding As We Speak DAWS. 3 2016-08-06 12:13:00 2016-09-17 20:45:59
Stille Gewalt M4CHT 19 2016-02-20 20:09:00 2016-10-15 13:36:40
The Wicked EndDead TWEND 0 2016-04-11 17:34:00 2016-11-02 22:22:10
Schadenfreude Inc. SCHD 10 2016-05-09 18:10:00 2018-03-25 14:58:35
Ava Grace Industries A.6.I 12 2015-11-16 20:17:00 2019-02-23 08:30:54
Elysian Technologies Enclave ELTC. Fraternity. 307 2019-08-16 20:00:38 2019-09-03 17:16:01
ATHANOR AQUISISTIONS PEWU Domain Research and Mining Inst. 77 2019-08-18 08:01:04 2019-09-03 23:16:01
Lost Inferno LINF 4 2018-10-01 18:01:14 2020-04-08 22:30:59
Quam Geriatrics FOGEY R.U.B.I.C.O.N 14 2020-04-05 23:15:37 2020-04-10 19:30:40
ATHANOR AQUISISTIONS PEWU Domain Research and Mining Inst. 77 2020-03-04 21:01:05 2020-05-20 14:15:01
Space Ants SPANT RAZOR Alliance 109 2020-04-11 19:30:38 2020-12-25 20:46:02
Pirate Lords of War. .PLOW 1 2021-01-20 15:01:02 2021-02-21 03:01:00
KONTAKT. -K7- 7 2021-01-09 19:30:16 2021-02-24 13:00:48
Vortex.Nebula -V.N Dreads Amongst Drifters 13 2021-05-10 23:01:05 2022-05-30 17:00:49
Redux. DUX. 10 2021-03-26 21:46:06 2022-11-27 21:01:02
Celtic Anarchy K.O.S 5 2018-12-28 19:46:22 2023-01-17 22:30:30
Lockstock. LSTOC 19 2013-06-08 22:20:00 2023-01-19 21:00:59
V I R I I VIRII 15 2020-07-08 19:16:00 2023-01-19 21:00:59
ATHANOR AQUISISTIONS PEWU Domain Research and Mining Inst. 77 2023-10-19 12:46:02 2023-10-27 13:31:07
Teddybears. ROARR 6 2018-11-19 10:45:01 2023-10-29 21:15:41
V I R I I VIRII 15 2023-01-24 21:46:00 2023-10-29 21:15:41
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