New Map: Catch/Impass/Tenerifis

April 1st, 2009

I’ve created a new combined map for the Catch, Impass and Tenerifis Regions which I would like to share with you.

Catch, Impass, Tenerifis

@AAA: I hope you can identify your space now and btw. nice dead-end systems in Impass. If you find this map usefull, I’m always happy about donations 🙂

Did anybody tried out the Intel Manager? I still would like to get some feedback from my readers/testers.

One Response to “New Map: Catch/Impass/Tenerifis”

  1. Cpt Underpants says:

    I love the intel manager. Something which would be highly useful and could be done as a subscription for ISK/$ is if you could use full API keys to monitor fuel in your towers and automatically email certain people 48 hours in advance of them needing refuelled.

    The daily sov changes page is something I regularly refer to and greatly appreciate the work you put into this.

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