May Update

May 13th, 2009

No i’m not dead. I’m just really busy currently in real life. I didn’t had the time to work on bigger updates or even had the mood to write blog postings. But I think, it’s time to write about a few stats about what I’m really happy and the small things I’ve done in the last days.

The traffic and visitor counts are growing and growing every month currently. Sometimes because of new features (like the Flash Maps for IE users), javascript additions and sometimes just new visitors 🙂 Here are the raw numbers.

Month Traffic Visitors Pages
April ‘09: 67.4 GB 256,821 1,791,825
March ‘09: 62.5 GB 237,435 1,547,747
February ‘09: 40.3 GB 205,543 1,341,424
January ‘09: 19.8 GB 126,575 796,339

With all the new features, javascript additions here and there I know I had to work on. That’s where i started to optimize stuff. Merging multiple javascript files, removing white-space from js  and css files to reduce their filesize, setting explicit expire timers and max-age cache control headers with mod_expire static images, css and javascript files. The result with tuning those parameters was great. But can only be measured on a long term basis.

The POS Intel Manager is already heavly used by my current Alliance aswell as some other test users. But I need to find some time to go on with programming, tuning, etc.

I’m still thinking about stuff that can easily be added and or modified on the maps. Does anyone has a list of static plexes (with name and description/ded level if possible), cosmos systems and perhab agents in space that are worth to be added? Those are not included in the real static database export from ccp.

3 Responses to “May Update”

  1. Conar Balcos says:

    keep on the great job wollari 😉

  2. Hi Wollari,

    Congrats on the traffic stats! I read you’re on the way of minimizing JS. We took that route too, and had great results using JSMIN.

    • Wollari says:

      Thanks 🙂

      I used the following tools and modules to work on speed, filesize and performance enhancements.

      – yuicompressor (for compressing js and files. It does the same stuff like jsmin)
      prototype js libary: Before 130kb after 75kb and that’s only whitespace and comment removal, before mod_deflate/gzip compression)

      – yslow (firefox extension to identify bottlenecks and misconfigurated cache and expire timers)

      – mod_expire (all images, js, css files have expire/cached until: accesstime + 7days)

      – mod_deflate (on the fly compressing of html, js, css, etc)

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