Enhanced wormhole informations

July 17th, 2009

With the public available, not official (sql) data about wormholes I updated my pages. The region listing and the system details will now list their anomalies and the corresponding effects (like bonus to remote repair, armor, damage, etc). I hope I interpreted the data correctly, otherwise let me know and I’ll fix it.

Additionally I added an overview for the wormhole classes including their time and mass restrictions.

3 Responses to “Enhanced wormhole informations”

  1. Epitrope says:

    For your wormhole listing overview, I suggest that you add a note to target classes 7, 8, and 9 saying that those are highsec, lowsec, and 0.0, respectively.

  2. Netzvamp says:

    Hi Wollari o/

    how you’ve got the positions of the wormholesystems in the Regionmaps of the wormholes? Had ever someone try’d to cyno between near Wormholesystems? Could be very interesting 🙂

    • Wollari says:

      Those positions are directly from CCP’s static database export. The maps aren’t usefull, I know. According CCP cyno’s won’t work in Wormhole Space, I’ve never tested if you can open a cyno field. But i don’t think it would work.

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