Colorized Maps 2, Statistic History

August 25th, 2009

ConstellationsSome days ago I introduced the ability to fill the maps with more colors like security status and number of shipkills. Today I was playing around with some more javascript stuff and came up with the idea how to improve the usage and navigation with this infolayer. The map will know use the browser history while switching between the info layers, you can always can go back in your browser and it switch backs to the previous informations. The map also safes the currently used infolayer. If you switch to a different region map or shuffling through the page, the selected infolayer will stay during that session.

Additionally, info layers like belt and moon count got their colors (green = less belts, red = max belts) aswell as the constellation groups.

I justed fixed one feature with the infolayer: If you scroll back in the timeline of the map, the kills/jumps, etc of that day (downtime to downtime) will get display. That way it’s easy to track the usage (Jumps, Kills) of a system, constellation or the whole region. Remember: My database only contains the last 30 days of those stats due to the huge ammout of data (500mb+)

Example (now with fixed links):

2 Responses to “Colorized Maps 2, Statistic History”

  1. Manasi says:

    Phenomenal work man, dotlan has just moved to the top of my list for sites displayed on my second monitor while playing 🙂

  2. Ian says:

    never fly without

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