Archive for 2009

In development – pos intel manager

12 Comments; Saturday, March 28th, 2009

The last days and weeks I was working on a closed and secured section for the DOTLAN EveMaps. After seeing this image from Goonswarm how they keep track of reinforced posses during the Delve War II. I thought: I could do this also with more information, map integration, etc.

What comes out? The DOTLAN (POS) Intel Manager

  • Import and maintain POS locations
  • Track POS States (online, anchored, reinforced)
  • Keep track of reinforce timers in multiple timezones
  • Report POS fittings (including module states)
  • Set priorities
  • DED mail import
  • Maintain standings
  • Region/System POS counting
  • The Intel Manager is completely multi-project/multi-user ready
  • User management for the project admin
  • Different Security Roles: Write, Read, ReinforcedOnly (The last one only gives access to the list of reinforced POS towers)
  • Fully integrated in the Region/System/Alliance Listings and integrated into the DOTLAN EveMaps

This complete system does not use any API Keys, etc. just user input. I choose not to use any API keys because API keys can only pull your own private alliance/corp information and basically this “intel manager” is dedicated to keep track of hostile pos locations / pos counting rather then keep track of your home industrial backyard.

I’m planing to make this valuable tool as a rent-able service.

Here are some screenshots what you can expect:

Test Account:

If you wanna test it out at the current state:

USER: test
PASS: test

Let me know what you think about it.

Ready to go

Comments Off on Ready to go Thursday, March 26th, 2009

I just booked the flight and hotel for my (RL/Ingame) Corpmate and me to Island in October 2009. Some hours ago CCP officially announced the Eve-Online Fanfest 2009 and confirmed the date we already talked about.

Fly safe will really get a new definition then 🙂

Are anybody of you making the trip up in the north?

Fanfest 2009 Rumours

Comments Off on Fanfest 2009 Rumours Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Just got it from Twitter: Eve Fanfest seems to be held on the first weekend in October. Sounds great: Finally no more conflicts with the birthday of my girlfriend and my own. I’m thinking about making a trip to Reykjavik this autumn. Does anybody has some advices when to arrive (from Germany) and where to stay (hotel)?

Iceland Air: Eve Fanfest 2009

February in Numbers

4 Comments; Monday, March 2nd, 2009

With all the action going on in February I can finally say: I  doubled the traffic and nearly the visitor count. I also passed the million page impression mark (according to webalizer)

Month Traffic Visits Pages
February ’09: 40.3 GB 205,543 1,341,424
January ’09: 19.8 GB 126,575 796,339

Anyway: I’ve to thanks again to BoB and Goons for their nice contribution to the Moon Mining Database: With the lists from the old BoB Directors Board I could updated several hundred (mostly) highend moons.

I’ve also added a new list that shows the distribution of moon minerals over all regions. It should now easy to identify which regions are rich and which one are the poorer ones. But the database is still not even close to complete. But it’s growing every week. I hope you keep up and send me nice and juicy moonscans via email or evemail.

Regional Moon Distribution

Monthly region changes

4 Comments; Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Until now i had a small header over each region listing that show the current sovereignty changes of this day for this region. I found the today’s changes listing are completely useless, because everybody is using the normal sovereignty changes sub page. With the newly added feature that you can rollback the time for your region maps, I found out that it would make sense that you get a list of the monthly changes for you favorite home region. That’s the easiest way to get ah fast view on everything which happened after you came back from a vacation or a break.

Check it out

Sovereignty Changes in February 2009: Detorid

Sovereignty Changes in February 2009 - Detorid

Sovereignty Changes in February 2009 - Detorid

Colors, Colors, Colors

Comments Off on Colors, Colors, Colors Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

I’m now preloading and reassigning colors to the sovereignty holding alliances per map. The assignment will affect all alliances that had at any point of my history database sovereignty in one or more systems of that map, ordered by the first date an alliance had sov.

The currently defined 18 colors will get mapped to all alliances that occurred in the history. If the 18 colors have been assigned, the colors will get reused. It might happen that particular maps alliances may have the same color. This is mostly in Regions where many alliances are living together and sovereignty is switching very often (like Querious).

On the other side this will make sure that an alliance should have the same color on that map, if your rollback in time.

Cooperation with EVSCO

6 Comments; Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Deep in the night we came up with the idea to add a significant feature to my map page. Wouldn’t it be great to see who’s fighting in that unknown system which just showed up as the most violent for the last 3 hours? Without any knowledge about political conflicts or skirmishes.

Last night i was speaking with Beansman and Karbowiak from the EVSCO Killboard. Those guys are running a fast growing killboard hosting service on the backbone of a shared database for all killmails. With several big alliances hosted on their shared killboard (like Triumvirate., Intrepid Crossing and many others) plus the feed synchronization with many others big alliances (NC, TCF etc), the killboard database gives you a good overview what’s going on in some parts of New Eden.

The result of that night is just gorgeous:

You can now see the recent ship/pod kills of a system in the last 48 hours directly on the statistical page of each system. The kills will get loaded live via Ajax, processed and displayed if anything got found. I think that’s s a good start and a great pleasure to work with those guys.

Recent Shipkills in BQ0-UU

Recent Shipkills in BQ0-UU

If you want to make sure that your victorys are also displayed live on my page, check pricings for their hosting service or just link your killboard feed to the EVSCO database if you’re happy with your  own killboard and only wanna share killmails with the rest of the Eve Community.

IE/Flash Support

2 Comments; Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Sorry for some short outages today, but i was implementing Flash Support for the Internet Explorer users who don’t have the Adobe SVG Plugin installed. Internet Explorer Users now will see the flash version of a map with nearly all features. Only the information overlay is missing (where you can select info like npc kills, etc).

All other Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc, expect IE Version) should display the SVG version of the map.

I hope the small minority of IE users will be happy now 🙂

Extended History

6 Comments; Friday, February 20th, 2009

I just received a copy of older sovereignty database dumps. With those dumps i could extend my history (starting from April 2008) to scroll back in the system, corp, alliance and map history. Just some alliance tickers from closed alliances are missing.

Example: Operation Tortuga (Daisho, MC, Kia, Outbreak VS BoB in Period Basis)

Many thanks to Stins for providing me the his database dump.

Moon Update:

I also added moon information about several constellations, systems and single moons to my database, which i could find on the Internet and/or those which i got from friendly capsuleers. ExBob/KenZuko was so nice to publish their directors board which also provided juicy high-end moon location, which have been waited to get imported.

Thanks to all those who’re supporting me, providing ideas, donating moonscans or donating isk.

Historical Moments

Comments Off on Historical Moments Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

I’ve recently added a history function for my evemaps. You can now rollback in time through all changes in a region. Those including  sovereignty and occupancy changes as well as contested faction warfare systems and newly placed outposts.

To give you an idea how that looks i’ve collected several battlegrounds of the last 6 month.



  • 2009-02-04 BoB’s old last day with sovereignty in their home space
  • 2009-02-05 That’s Delve without BoB holding the sovereignty
  • 2009-02-07 BoB reformed under the alliance name Kenzuku. The start of Delve War II


  • 2008-09-20 Morsus Mihi is holding during BoB’s MAX campaign
  • 2008-10-25 BoB took over NC’s Empire Pipe E-O and M-O has fallen, before BoB pulled out to attack the goons.

Vale of the Silent

  • 2008-08-26 Triumvirate’s Assault on Hydra and Pure
  • 2008-09-20 BoB was going for Pure Space
  • 2008-10-16 The fight between TRI and KITE started
  • 2008-11-10 TRI took over most stations in the Q3 Area
  • 2009-01-01 TRI pulled out. The stations are now in the hands of Majesta Empire and The Initivite.

That’s only a small part of EVE’s history and i know that anywhere in EVE happend something which you will remember for the next month, years of forever. Sadly my sovereignty archive only starts with at the end of August 2008. If you’ve a backup/archive of old sovereignty xml files i would be happy to extend my database.

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