Veto London Meeting

November 19th, 2010

This weekend Veto Corp is celebrating their 5th birthday. Nothing special since nowadays many corps are announcing their anniversary on CAOD, but instead of blowing up some random T1 ships in-game and pray to the mighty “CCP God“, they decided to do it again with more publicity in a pub in London.

Anyway … I’ll be up there as well. My flight is leaving tomorrow in the early morning. See you soon. This weekend will be awesome. I’m not a veto pilot, but meeting eve players, having some drinks and talking about former battles is always exciting.

Events & Gatherings:
Veto Corp Present : London – Veto 5th Anniversary – November 20th

P.S. DOTLAN EveMaps development is still ongoing and exciting. ATM I’m refactoring the complete webpage system, framework and everything in general. There’ll be more information soon(tm).

2 Responses to “Veto London Meeting”

  1. Kithran says:

    Was good talking to you at the meet – and there’s nothing wrong with not being a veto pilot at the meet, I’m not one either 🙂

  2. Wollari says:

    Thanks. And yes! I survived it and didn’t got ransomed by pirates. o/

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