Added EveWho Support

October 1st, 2011

After speaking with Squizz Caphinator on IRC I finally found some time to add a tab called “Pilots” to his service into the corporation and alliance info pages.

So what the hell is Basically he (Squizz) is doing the same what I do but more focused on characters. His site is basically doing public CharacterInfo API calls (like ingame ‘Show Info’) on lots of characterIDs he collected over time. His database contains more then 2 million known pilots in Eve. Put those information together an you’ll find very handy corp and alliance membership lists. Very interesting Intel if you’re doing research on your enemy or aggressor.

Sure the one type of players love this amount of information, the others are hate it and rising the “no privacy” flag about their secret alts. CCP already said that is only using legal API methods to collect all this information.

In the end it’s up to you if you wanna use to find more about the corps and pilots in eve or not.

4 Responses to “Added EveWho Support”

  1. Pirokobo says:


    Good job on the work for evewho, but downvote on the recent changes to dotlan itself. I like the alliance movements and reworked sov changes sidebars but the most interesting frontpage sidebar on dotlan, imo, was:

    New Stations Built

    It was useful as an attention getter. There are too many systems in eve to know what’s going on everywhere but figuring out what an alliance is doing in a given system every few days is pretty easy. When I see that a station is built, I try to find out why.

    Was this station built to throw more timers in the face of an enemy? Was it to bookend a bridge link? Are they building capitals?

    What motivated alliance X to spend this money here?

    The information itself (Alliance X built a gallente station in system y) isn’t very useful but the metagame investigation it triggered was significant.

    • Wollari says:

      The newest station build is still available in the universe section:

      I just was thinking about removing it from the sidebar due to the fact that soo many stations are being build that it’s not something new anymore and it was really getting much on the sidebar.

      Maybe I should rework/replace the start page … I’ll see

      Atm it’s just commented out and I can enable it directly if needed

    • Wollari says:

      Well … since i haven’t announced the changes yet, I reenabled the new outposts again. But I decreased the number of top sov changes and movements from 10 to 8 so it’s not getting too much.

      I hope you’re happy with this 🙂

    • Katrina Bekers says:

      Well, right now the last 30 built outposts list report 21 of them (seven out of ten!) as been bult in the drone regions.

      It’s just not relevant anymore, as it’s the price of a station for some mega power blocks.

      DRF peppering their regions with stations. News at 11.

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