Dust514 Districts are coming

September 13th, 2013

As we speak I’m already working on the integration of Dust514 planetary districts. Since CCP released their first public CREST endpoint I started last week to prepare my backend and the database  to get the new shiny imported. The CREST results are already getting imported and changes are being tracked. I just have to work now on the visuals, presentation and integration of the Districts, their changes and the top holder into DOTLAN EveMaps.

Here are 2 work-in-progress screenshots:


More to come soon.

4 Responses to “Dust514 Districts are coming”

  1. serpentine logic says:


  2. Al0tta Fagina says:

    I’ve been getting an error message on this website today when I click on a region –

    An error is occured: Database error

    A database error has occured, please check the mysql error log file.

    Any1 else getting this ?

    • Wollari says:

      Yepp. Me troo 🙂 that can happen if you prepare the live database and break some older query 🙂 should be fixed now. I hope I didn’t broke something else

  3. Al0tta Fagina says:

    YAY!!! All working again!

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