CCP T0rfi is talking about maps

June 22nd, 2011

In the talks between the Alliance Tournament IX rounds CCP t0rfifrans mentioned that they’re thinking about improving the ingame maps which hasn’t changed for years now. But listen or read it yourself:

[… Position: 6:02]

CCP t0rfifrans: Improving maps as a planner and logistics tools for mappers, the thing that we have least iterrated on in all the years, it’s just grown, but haven’t like really changed it.

Shadoo: Right, but I don’t really use the maps nowadays. I just go to DOTLAN!

CCP t0rfifrans: Yeah, but it could be, but you could also, someone plug DOTLAN in there, but as a planning tool, like there’s a planning and infograph tool and so one, both for your self and for other and to figure out where you like to do the next missson or as a total newbie to understand how massive the universe is and how active is it and so on.

Zastrow J: I think it was a revalation to some of us, maybe not all of us, that EVE is many many years old now, but is only like a year and a half ago that you’ve actually UI designers on the team now.

CCP t0rfifrans: Well, […] there was a UI designer, but he changed into a programmer […]

[… topic change]

Hell, Did I heard this right? <press play repeat button> Plug DOTLAN into EVE? CCP my ears are open! Tell me more about this.

Full Video on Youtube

3 Responses to “CCP T0rfi is talking about maps”

  1. Netzvamp says:

    Wollari, they try to hire you 🙂 Ready to go to Iceland? 😀

  2. Katrina Bekers says:


    Dotlan, via the IGB, a lightweight CCS and the smart use of HTTP CCP headers, can _already_ be integrated in the client.

    Actually, that’s one of the best navigation aids you could dream of while wandering around.

  3. Serpentine Logic says:

    Ask for 25% like the Team Fortress content developers received.

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