I’ve created more combined maps in the last few days which i like to share.
Branch, Tenal, Venal
Pure Blind, Fade, Deklein
Etherium Reach, The Kalevala Expanse, Malpais
Curse, Great Wildlands, Scalding Pass
Happy roaming
I’ve created more combined maps in the last few days which i like to share.
Branch, Tenal, Venal
Pure Blind, Fade, Deklein
Etherium Reach, The Kalevala Expanse, Malpais
Curse, Great Wildlands, Scalding Pass
Happy roaming
I recently added a new feature page on the detail pages. You can now view the details of a corporation including their alliance history (as far as i’ve collected them). The full alliance history is only accessible in the eve client it self.
I’ve created a new combined map for the regions Tribute, Vale of the Silent and then NPC 0.0 Region Venal. I hope you enjoy it. I think when i’ve time i’ll create some more combined region maps.
See you in space and fly safe.
After the Quantum Rise Static Export has been releasesd, I’ve updated my database. You’ll now find the correct home of the relocated Caldari Navy agents.
I also integrated the ice types of a system with icebelts into the system detail page. I used the mapRegionIceTypes table from the Eve-Dev Wiki, but I can’t promise if those types are accurate. I know for example that my mineral types aren’t correct for each system, because i only map them with the securityclass which was the initial mapping before CCP made some adjustments. Perhabs some day i get more interesting and usable data.
I hope you’ll enjoy the stuff anyway.
As titled in the updated Patchnotes, CCP has done some Stargate rerouting in The Citadel Region/Santenpaa Constellation and also added 2 new stations for the Caldari Navy. Those new routes are already updated.
The following stargate routes have been removed:
- Komo <-> Motsu
- Saila <-> Oichiya
- Saila <-> Motsu
- Saila <-> Laah
The following stargate routes have been added:
- Komo <-> Oichiya
- Oichiya <-> Laah
The following stations belonging to the Caldari Navy have been deployed:
- Ichoriya V Caldari Navy Logistic Support.
- Tintoh VIII Caldari Navy Testing Facilities.
The Caldari Navy also moved some agents around, as soon as the new Static Database Export is available i’ll update the whole database.
Fly safe and don’t get caught by the new nanos.
P.S. i hope the API Servers gets up this night, so i can get udpates sov data.
During the extended downtime and the deployment of the quantum rise extension/patch, i took some time and integrated the wordpress blog software into the evemaps webpage. I think it’s more usefull to be in line with all the other bloggers and news sites to use it instead of using my own news system and add ore migrate features on top from my other project (dotlan).
Feel free to add the page to you blog link list and/or leave comments here.
I recently added a sidebar to show some more little informations. For each systems i also provide now hourly numbers on jumps, ship, pod and npc kills. Those numbers are also available in the svg maps, so you can easily plan your next pirate trip to find active ratting systems. For the long time stats i can now provide the top 5 Sovereignty winner and losers in the sidebar. With the list of new player build ouposts, I just discovered that my old home (Sylph) has finally rised their 3rd outposts and my former neighbour CVA also launched two new outposts. Congratulations!
Over the last weeks i started to collect alliance data, sov date every day. I now have enough history data to show graphs for Member/Corp/System and Outposts Stats on the alliance detail page. When i’ve more history in my datbase (in some weeks/month) i’ll add a special page that will show a larger time period.
For the SVG i added a dynamic information layer. You can switch between Sovereignty, Security, Constellation, Moon/Belt Count, System Radius (in AU) and SecurityClass. The Map will get updated dynamic when selecting the infos you would like to see.
According to the newest Eve Online Patch Notes, CCP (or the Jovians) has established 3 new connections between star systems to prevent pilots getting stucked in the heavy traffic jam. Now pilots have the possibilty to avoid the market place number 1. The evemaps have been updated to help people find their way out off the hell.
API | J: | 09 Jan 07:29 | K: | 09 Jan 07:28 | C: | 09 Jan 07:48 | A: | 09 Jan 07:46 | O: | 04 Jun 11:15 | F: | 09 Jan 07:27 | S: | 09 Jan 06:49 | W: | 09 Jan 07:13 |