New API Key System Deployed

Comments Off on New API Key System Deployed September 28th, 2011

Like announced a couple days ago, I just finished the work and deployed my new API Key Backend to the live version of DOTLAN EveMaps. All old keys are dropped, this was a necessary step to not mix up the database and lowers the amount of possible errors.

The new API Key Backend allows you to enter multiple keys, but only 1 key per character will be chosen to update the internal CharacterSheet. In addition for future features and modules, I added a possibility to verify your API Key with an Ingame Action (like sending 1 isk or sending an evemail). This will allow future functions to verify that only you, out of the many api keys you gave out, are the rightful owner of the character.

I know there aren’t any modules/functions on DOTLAN EveMaps that utilize your personal API Key, but without a running API Key Backend there’s no functionality.

System Maintenance

Comments Off on System Maintenance September 26th, 2011

Just a quick note: I just upgraded the underlying operating system from Debian ‘Lenny’ 5.0 to Debian ‘Squeeze’ 6.0. After some config changes and reboots everything should be running smooth again. This update was long overdue … Sorry for the short service interuption.

Fly Safe

Customizable API Keys

Comments Off on Customizable API Keys September 22nd, 2011

Just a quick update: We all know that CCP has introduced customizable API keys a couple weeks ago. Basically every developer is advised to change their applications to support the new keys since the old limited/full keys will be revoked and disabled someday(tm).

TL;DR: I’m working on the implementation and will remove all old keys and will only allow new keys (hard switch) soon(tm).

These new fully customizable API keys are nice from a user perspective and even for us developer. But still they give us a couple headaches. In the old system we had only 2 keys (full/limited) per account with a unique identifier (userID). This makes the life of database designs pretty easy since there can only be one valid key set per char/account.

With the new key system you can now create multiple keys for the same account or character. Even better, you change the key settings afterwords and change your previous account key into a character key or vice versa. If you’re developing your own application this has to be taken care of. Either you invalidate a key if something changes or you’ve to update your database to reflect the new settings. If you allow users to enter and manage multiple API keys you should not forget that you can end up in a situation where you’ve multiple keys belonging to the same character. This is where you must make a decision on either use all keys to update the same char over and over again or just stick to one key based on criteria like: CharacterKey > AccountKey, BetterAccessMask > SimpleAccessMask,  higher keyID, etc, or plain and simple: Let the user choose which key he wanna use for a specific operation.

Sure it would be simpler for us developer if the main key attributes like KeyType + Selected Character wouldn’t change after you created a key, but well … in the end it’s just a matter of code and key management. And yes we’re all happy now that we can create simple keys to give away keys to public killboards without reveal your corporation assets, wallets and starbase locations.

Anyway: As far as find the time between work and family, I’m working on DOTLAN EveMaps to switch to the new API keys. To make things easier for me, the database and you I’ll do a hard cut, delete all existing api keys and allow only new custom keys to be entered. ATM there’re not many parts of DOTLAN that utilize the API Keys, but maybe one day … when I find time …


3 years and more

2 Comments; August 18th, 2011

<sing>Happy birthday to me</sing> Well … life is taking it’s toll. My little son and all the related changes that are coming with the new responsibilities are shifting my priorities. It’s a good thing and something I won’t regret but I totally forgot to write something about DOTLAN EveMaps third birthday on the 22 july.

A lot of things happend in the past year. The biggest and best change was the server upgrade in april to ensure evemaps will run smooth for the next couple years. I can add the deployment of EveMaps version 3, a major rewrite and the ability to customize a couple things on the page, enhanced radar tracking and some usability enhancements to that long list.

GamesCom 2011 in cologne

This will be a sad year for all the eveonline fanboys that’re hunting to gifts and bags on the GamesCom in cologne. Sadly CCP decided to not have a booth in the public area, they were only present on the Developer Conference. At least a couple Devs are running around and doing stuff behind the curtain somewhere (probably with Dust …).

If you’re interested in some eve related talkings you can join the player meeting in the brewery Heller’s Brauhaus in cologne. We  got  some Dev joining us this time with CCP Guard and CCP Daishi. See you on saturday for a few Kölsch. For more details check the announcements below.


After long internal conflicts and moral questions in my mind I finally added some GoogleAds on the page. I hope I placed them well (skyscraper on the right) so you won’t get disturbed while using the page. Adblock, IGB, Tablet users and the SSL pages are currently excluded from this. You can now start throw stones at me.

My view on the current player protest

12 Comments; June 26th, 2011

I guess you all followed the very emotional discussion and protest the eve community is showing towards CCP. ATM I try to not dig too much into the discussion cause  should spend more attention to my new young family member rather then the current emo driven discussion. But I would like to point out my point of view that I already described in the Fanfest roundtable.

$99 Developer License

Yes please, BUT with a couple restrictions and changes: The commercial license should be dedicated to those who’re really interested in making money from the players directly. If developers like to create an application (for example on the mobile market) or provide a service (Webapplication) where the players have to pay for with their own money, then the $99 developer license is the right way to go.

If developer decides to provide an application, service, website, whatsoever for free (real money) to the players then there should no developer fee at all. Voluntary donations (as long as they’re not needed to enable a premium access level) or advertisement is revenue (in the definition of the bizdevs) but nothing where players are directly forced to pay to use that service. Therefore the license should not be applicable. (P.S. even links to GTC shops are giving your revenue/ad money)

I also have no problems with services that are offered for ingame concurrency, cause that’s money which CCP already owns (through playtime used or exchanged plexes on the market). I don’t see a difference when somebody is putting out an informational website with ads on or a player providing a page for his ingame 3rd party service or the pirate and war contracts.

CCP Devs said on the Fanfest roundtable that they don’t want to enforce the license rules that hard and sue developers, whatsoever. I’m not sure who they wanna do this when nearly everybody must to pay a license.

Simple license definition: Does the player has to pay real cash for an app or service then “yes” otherwise “no”.

Micro transactions (MTX):

I don’t really plan to buy ingame goods with real money atm, but if CCP would have change a few little things in the beginning, lots of things and rage could have been prevented.

MTX  aren’t really new to the online gaming world and not to the mobile market as well. But IMHO CCP ignored the word “micro” in “micro transactions”. MTX can be very successful if  introduced, used and advertised right. Apple’s App Store is successful cause majority the apps are really lowprice and affordable. Nobody really thinks about spending 1 or 2 $ for a great app that gives him a lot of fun and satisfaction, and the apps that are generating the majority of revenue are the apps that costs only $1 but are fun to use/play.

Same applies to online games and MTX. Nobody cares, If you could buy a pair of sunglasses for just $1 and the luxury monocle for $5. In fact: CCP could have sold a lot more of those vanity items in a shorter time rather then just 52. Sometimes is more sales for a lower price better then lesser sales for high prices.

When you start a MTX store you should have lots of small things for a really low price (between $0.5 and $3) that attracts players rather then putting them into a rage. You can always introduce more expensive and luxury items later, but only when the store is running nice and smooth.

Of course those virtual goods should not affect gameplay or give players an advantage over a different player. I don’t care about faction standing, clothes, accessories or custom ship paintings but everything that effects ships, modules, industry or sovereignty is a very big no go. Maybe we can talk about vanity items that give young players an training advantage up to 5 or 10mil SP but that’s all.

With these exorbitant prices, the lack of communication, the incomplete and meaningless dev blogs and the most important fact that you completely ignored and forget about your (much loved?) memberbase/CSM leaded to the biggest protest I’ve seen in this game.


CCP should make statement what they think and what they’re planning. Talk to the CSM and find a way that’s reasonable for you as company and your award winning community. Talk to the 3rd party develeoper what they really need and willing to spend. You can’t force somebody to work for the community for free if they have to pay.

I would bet that: DOTLAN EveMaps generated more satisfaction, helped new and older players and kept them happy (and therefore spending $ for the gametime) that I could ever pay me back or earn via advertisement. If you want to disgruntle those people who helped forming EVE and the community to what it is now, you’re on the best way to do so.

The community is what Eve is making so successful, so don’t do you (business) plans without us. You need us, as long as we want to play the game. Talk to us, talk with us. In the meantime: Have fun blocking Jita 🙂

Related links:

CCP T0rfi is talking about maps

3 Comments; June 22nd, 2011

In the talks between the Alliance Tournament IX rounds CCP t0rfifrans mentioned that they’re thinking about improving the ingame maps which hasn’t changed for years now. But listen or read it yourself:

[… Position: 6:02]

CCP t0rfifrans: Improving maps as a planner and logistics tools for mappers, the thing that we have least iterrated on in all the years, it’s just grown, but haven’t like really changed it.

Shadoo: Right, but I don’t really use the maps nowadays. I just go to DOTLAN!

CCP t0rfifrans: Yeah, but it could be, but you could also, someone plug DOTLAN in there, but as a planning tool, like there’s a planning and infograph tool and so one, both for your self and for other and to figure out where you like to do the next missson or as a total newbie to understand how massive the universe is and how active is it and so on.

Zastrow J: I think it was a revalation to some of us, maybe not all of us, that EVE is many many years old now, but is only like a year and a half ago that you’ve actually UI designers on the team now.

CCP t0rfifrans: Well, […] there was a UI designer, but he changed into a programmer […]

[… topic change]

Hell, Did I heard this right? <press play repeat button> Plug DOTLAN into EVE? CCP my ears are open! Tell me more about this.

Full Video on Youtube

BFF … or just a different word for lots of small improvements

13 Comments; May 16th, 2011

Like Team BFF at CCPGames is doing lots of small updates and improvements, I took my time to listen to you guys at fanfest and the discussions afterwords and did a lot of smaller changes to improve your daily EveMaps usage. I hope you like them:


  • A new contextmenu for the IGB (ingame) actions will replace the old and unflexible overlay icons (for ShowOnMap, SetDestination, Addwaypoint, etc.) It’s ready to include more features and commands as soon as CCP updates the ingame browser. To access them, right click the Info Info Icon.
  • The contextmenu will additionally include links to DOTLAN EveMaps Resources and is not limited to the Ingame Browser.
    Example: Right click an AllianceInfo icon and you can directly jump to  the “Alliance > Member Corporations” subpage. Less clicks to get you where you want to go!#
  • This contextmenu will also be available on ALL maps! Yes! You can right click a system in the region map and directly jump to the Moon Mineral (example) page. You can open the system details in a new Tab if you feel the need for.
  • On the map you’ve a submenu with all the system information. No need to change the overlay filter if you just want to get some more details about a hot system.

3rd Party Authentication  (registered users only)

  • The autologin cookie will automatically be set after a successful login. Of course the autologin cookie will be on the ssl pages only, so nobody should be able to steal your cookies.
  • The autologin cookie includes various security hashes to make sure it’s no longer valid when you change your password or revoke the application access. Additionally the information will only be valid for 31 days. After that you’ve to relogin.
  • If you revoke the access of EveMaps (from Twitter or Facebook) you’ll not be logged in automatically since the access is no longer valid. Reauthorize EveMaps and you can get your login back.
  • Reminder: All this security mechanics has nothing to do with “session stealing” which is hard to counter apart from switching to SSL only pages (maybe in the future if there’s need for)

Favorites Quick Access (registered users only)

  • In the top navigation panel, you’ll notice the Favorites Favorites/Bookmark Icon. This button will provide you a dropdown list with all your favorites. This way you can easily switch and jump to your bookmarked Systems, Alliances or Maps.
  • You can now bookmark your own JumpBridge Network aswell to have it right under your finger tips.

Navigation Tools

  • The universe map, shown after a successful route or distance calculation can now be hidden to speed up browsing or cleaning up the listing. Lots of (mostly IGB, Linux or slower PC) users were complaining that the SVG Universe Maps are quite CPU intensive. As I’m a part time linux user as well I can feel the need for it. The setting if the map will be shown or not will be stored via cookie like all the other navigation options.
  • If you select a JumpBridge network and [x] save your route options, the selected JumpBridge networks will stay selected!

Navigation > Jump Bridges

  • Yes, you’ll now have your automatic JumpBridge maps additionally to the long lists. The access to the maps is similar like I display the Tracking Tokens.
    Example:<bridgeToken> The same will work on the universe map as well. You’ll find your JumpBridge map links in the bridge listings.

User Registration

  • Hell … how many players can’t type their email address wrong. Really funny to see. (It’s not hotmal … it’s hotma_i_l). Anyway .. You’ve to confirm your email now and I’ll check if there’s an existing MX record (via DNS) to do business with.

Server Upgrade

  • Looks like the hardware upgrade went smooth, no bigger outages, crashes, etc. That makes me happy, so I can actually enjoy the upcoming summer without having to worry about EveMaps. As long as CCP doesn’t reinvent the wheel … you never know.


  • Various bug and security bugs have been fixed to make DOTLAN EveMaps a better … a well … that would just copied from CCP.
  • I hope I didn’t forget anything.
  • Here are some nice pictures of the new contextmenu. Enjoy!

EVE Fanfest 2011 – Interview

3 Comments; April 30th, 2011

At the EVE Online Fanfest 2011 in March I was interviewed by CCP Soundwave live on EVE TV. As always, things are not going like they’re planned, especially if you’re live. Just after starting the interview we had to switch pause the interview and switch back to the mainstage for the next talk.

Here’s part 1 of the interview

and part 2 (together with the blogger Keith Neilson)

Hardware upgrade complete

4 Comments; April 30th, 2011

First startup tests of the new server

Today was the big day. After waiting a couple weeks and days that every single piece of my hardware got delivered I finally found the time to install it in the datacenter. Atm everything is running smooth *fingers crossed*. The new hardware has some shiny features for me as admin: iKVM (remote management board, remote console redirection, etc) which will make my life a lot easier on upgrades etc.

Server Specs:

  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5620 (i7 Quadcore 2.4GHz) + Intel Thermal Solution STS100C (heatsink)
  • Mainboard: SuperMicro X8DTL-iF
  • RAM: 24GB  / 3x 8GB Kingston Registered ECC DDR3 1333 MHz (I’ve 4 but only 3 are currently useable)
  • HDD: 2x 250gb + 2x 1TB
  • CHASSIS: Chenbro RM217

But as usual, you only learn from your mistakes: After setting up the server with only one CPU (cause I bought only one) it looks like that the CPU only utilize the memory on his bank … Until I buy a 2nd CPU I’ve only 24GB of RAM available instead of 32GB (maybe I should have set a higher goal for the donation raise) … well … It’s still a lot more then before and evemaps is only one virtual server running on it.

Apart from that I’ll keep my eyes closely on my monitoring tools (opennms atm) and the systems stats (munin) to keep track of any strange activity. As usual, there’s more to do in the future: Server/Database tuning, Upgrading from Debian Lenny to Debian Squeeze, developing updates and of course new features if I actually find some time.

Thanks to all who have donated so far. You’re an awesome community.

Slashdotted and Thank You

Comments Off on Slashdotted and Thank You April 16th, 2011

I’m still speechless and overwhelmed by the speed and amount of donations I got to upgrade the DOTLAN EveMaps. It just took around 30 hours until I reached the 1.000€ goal. Woah, far faster then I ever imagined and expected. I didn’t even needed to make a lot of advertising myself. A lot of people spreaded the word for me on Twitter, Ingame, on Teamspeak channels, everywhere. Even CCP did some promotion for DOTLAN EveMaps on their Facebook page.

And what then happens is called the “Slashdot effect“. You get a lot of visitors in a very short amount of time. Since I didn’t configured the ‘max open file‘ value, the webserver wasn’t able deliver more content (internal error 500) even the server load was far from being critical. The default value wasn’t just good enough. Well you’ll always learn from your mistakes.

The downside: This night the server crashed again with this nice kernel panic. I’ve the strong feeling it might be related to bad memory, which should hopefully be solved with the new hardware and memory.

Lessons learned:

  • be patient and wait until the hardware gets delivered (including registered ecc ram)
  • adding watchdog devices/daemon. (If the server itself doesn’t ping the watchdog device via daemon, the server gets rebooted automatically)
  • setting kernel.panic (sysctl.conf) to reboot after kernel panic
  • setting fs.file-max (sysctl.conf), worker_rlimit_nofile and worker_connections (nginx.conf) to an appropriate value to handle enough file descriptors. Every http session, keep alive connection, reverse proxy connection or file access (static content) needs a file descriptor.
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API J:26 Dec 20:22 K:26 Dec 20:22 C:26 Dec 20:33 A:26 Dec 20:32 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:26 Dec 20:23 S:26 Dec 19:38 W:26 Dec 20:27